Chapter Fourteen

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*Tobin POV*

I swear to god once I get loose I'm going to rip all of them limb from fucking limb.

*Hope POV*

We had to tie Tobin so she was standing with her arms chained straight out to the side and she has a spiked collar around her neck.

Nothing has changed. Her fangs and claws still showing and her eyes still changed. Christie and Abby have been talking since we got her restrained trying to figure out what is wrong with her.

Christen,Julie and Kelley to Alex to the hospital so her baby could be born safely in a proper environment.

Honestly I hope that the baby is healthy because I'm sure whatever we have to do to fix Tobin will not only be painful for her but Alex as well.

"Let me fucking go!" I hear Tobin yell for probably the hundredth time.

I sigh and take my phone out calling Kelley.

"Hey baby." I hear her and smile.

"Hey beautiful, how is Alex?" I ask.

"Good, everything went well and Christen and Julie convinced the doctors to let us leave later tonight so we will be back there." She informs me.

"Do you think its a good idea to have a baby in the same house as Tobin right now?" I ask.

"If there is any humanity left in her I know she won't touch that kid." Kelley states.

"Alright well I'm going go see if Abby and Christie have figured out what's wrong with Tobes, I'll talk to you later babe." I say.

"Okay, I love you Hope." Kelley says.

I smile "I love you Kelley." I tell her before hanging up.


"Tobin has a virus. It can happen of a wolf, or in her case, a hybrid consumes blood from their own species. It alters something in their brain, basically turning them into bloodthirsty monsters." Christie tells me.

"Well how the hell do we fix it?" I ask.

"We have to bleed her out. Bring her almost to death from blood loss then let her recover and do it again until the contaminated blood is out of her system." Abby explains.

I sigh "Okay, when can we start?"

"Right now if we wanted to but we have to ask Alex for permission because she will feel some pain too because of the mate bond."

I nod "Well when they get home tonight we will ask her permission then hopefully get started. Thank you guys for helping me with this." I say.

"It's our pleasure Hope, we are happy to help." Christie smiles.

*Alex pov*

When we get to Hope's house I walk inside carrying Oakley in my arms. Everyone gushes over how cute she is and how she has my eyes.

I'm worried about Tobin though.

"Can I see Tobin? Please?" I ask.

"Uhm I don't know if you want to see her this way." Ashlyn says.

"She's my mate. I don't care what she's like I want to see her." I say firmly.

"I'll take you down there." Hope says.

She leads me down into the basement where I see Tobin limp against the chains. She must be asleep.

I'm proven wrong as I hear a deep growl rumble through the room then she looks up her gold and blue eyes locking with mine.

"Hi Tobin." I smile softly, "I had my baby, her name is Oakley."

She growls loudly and yanks at the chains that are holding her arms.

"Alex I don't think you should be down here. Tobin wouldn't want you seeing her like this." Hope says as she puts her hand on my shoulder.

I sigh and nod as we head back to everyone else.


Abby explained what they would have to do to Tobin to get her back to her normal state. I agreed.

I'm currently sitting in the living room in one of Tobin's hoodies holding Oakley. Kelley is with me as we talk about anything but the current situation.

*Hope POV*

The pack plus Abby and Christie are in the basement.

"Do you want to keep her standing or lay her down?" I ask.

"Keep her up, the blood will drain faster." Christie says.

"You have to start it initially because wounds from an alpha heal slower so she will lose more blood." Abby says.

I swallow hard and nod as I step forward.

"I'm sorry Tobin." I say quietly.

My fangs and claws come out as my eyes change color and I dig a claw into each of her forearms and drag it towards her elbow making blood spill out.

Tobin's angry growls turn into puppy-like whimpers from the pain.

"Kling go check on Alex and make sure she's okay." Christen says.

The shortest from my pack jogs up the stairs and is soon out of sight.

*Kling pov*

I sit next to Alex on the couch while Kelley holds Oakley.

I take a deep breath as I put my hand on Alex's back.

I've never done this before but it's worth a shot.

I focus on the pain Alex is feeling and soon my veins turn black as I absorb her pain so she won't feel it.

"H-how did you do that?" The raspy voice asks as she looks at me.

I shrug "It's a wolf trait." I smile slightly and she nods as she leans into me.

*Tobin pov*

Why the fuck do they insist on causing me pain and making me bleed? Do they not realize it pisses me off even more?

Hope, yet again, slices me open. I should've ripped out her heart when I had the chance.

*Christen pov*

"I can't watch this anymore. I'll be back in a minute." I say to Julie.

I quickly make my way upstairs.

Since I met Julie I have never even looked twice at any one else. She is my mate after all. But there is something about that hazel eyed hybrid that makes me feel some type of way.

It honestly hurts me to see her in pain, no matter the circumstance.

God Christen get yourself together. You are in love with Julie. Tobin is just a friend, besides, she has Alex.

I hear the front door bust open and turn to see a dark haired, very pretty with very pretty eyes girl.

"I'm Caroline. Ashlyn called and told me there was something wrong with Tobin." She says and I sigh. (Picture above is Caroline)

Great just what we need. Another person here.

A/N:Kling is so sweet to everyone in this and must be protected at all costs. Anyway let me know what you guys think, I love your input. Keep it positive guys (: -Kaycee

P.S. Tobin just has a bunch of girls after her doesn't she?

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