Chapter Ten

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It's been four years. Four years since I heard my mate's voice or felt her touch. I have gotten used to the feeling of my heart shattering each time she fucks someone that is most definitely not me.

I have only slept with someone other than her twice. Once was with Steph. The other was with both Steph and Ronda. We got caught that time and since sexual relations between the people of Exodus is prohibited we all got punished. First we got tied to a post and our backs lashed. Then they threw us in hot boxes and that is were I have been for three years.

I get fed once a day and only get ten minutes of sunlight through a small hatch each day. It's always 100+ degrees in here.

I have hallucinated too many things to count. I am currently lying on the ground in my cargo pants and a sports bra.

I hear some commotion outside but brush it off as me hearing things. Then I hear the door opening and I jump up, the quick movement making my tense muscles groan in pain.

As soon as the heavy door swings open I basically fall out of it onto my hands and knees on the ground.

I grab handfuls of dirt, making sure this isn't all some twisted dream.

"Tobin?" I hear that raspy voice I've been longing to hear for ages.

I look up, blinded by the sun at first. I bring my hand up to block the sun rays. Sure enough, there stands the love of my life.

"Alex." I gasp/croak out, my voice cracking due to lack of use.

"It's me Toby." She says her voice cracking from the tears.

Wow, she's changed so much, her skin is even more tan, her hair darker, eyes brighter. God she's so perfect.

I stand up and wrap my arms around her in a bone crushing hug. I bury my face into her neck inhaling deeply. Something is different.

I pull back from the hug and frown.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Something about you is different." I mumble as I examine her closely.

That's when I hear it. Another heartbeat, weaker, but definitely there.

All the muscles in my body go rigid. Someone else's scent is on her as well.

Holy shit someone else has marked her.

My eyes change color as I feel an excruciating pain in my chest.

"Get away from me." I mumble.

"W-what?" Alex asks surprised.

"I said get the fuck away from me!" I yell as my chest heaves and my muscles ripple.

I watch her back away as I get claws and fangs.

She looks worried. "Tobin, baby, what's wrong."

Baby. How ironic.

"Who's is it?" I growl, clenching my fists causing my palms to bleed from my claws digging into them.

"What do you mean?" Alex asks.

"The baby Alex. Who's is it? Who is the person that marked you." I growl trying to control my wolf.

She looks down. "S-servando" she whispers but it is just as clear as if she yelled it.

That was my breaking point.

I drop to my knees and dig my claws into the ground.

I loud growl rips through my body as I get physically bigger.

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