Chapter Thirteen

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Ever since Hope, Kling, and I had the encounter with the hunters everyone has been on edge. Christen says hunters haven't came around here in years.

Alex and I are in the car driving home from the grocery store, both of us singing quietly to the radio just enjoying one another's company. I smirk as I here the song that came on my playlist and glance at Alex who is scrolling through Instagram mindlessly humming to the tune.

I crank it up as loud as it will go as I scream/rap the lyrics to G-Eazy.


"I PROMISE I CAN MAKE HER FLY AWAY LIKE CATERPILLAR SO IF YOU DON'T KNOW BY NOW THEN YOU SHOULD PROLLY GET FAMILIAR" Lex yells and we both bust out laughing as I turn the radio down and pull into her driveway.

I help her carry the groceries inside and put them all away.

I'm dancing around the kitchen to the music in my head as Lex gets a call and walks out of the room.

She comes back in a few minutes later, "Hey Tobes I gotta go help my aunt and dad with some stuff then I have a check up at the doctor for the baby so I'll see you later babe." She says walking over to me.

"Alright, drive safe baby girl." I smile.

"Will do and I think Hope said some of the girls are heading to her place to play COD if you don't want to hang out here alone. Just please, if you do go somewhere don't be outside for very long, I don't want you getting hurt by hunters." She tells me as she grabs her keys.

I nod "I'll probably head over to Hope's and yeah I'll be careful. I love you." I tell her as I lean in and peck her lips quickly.

"I love you too, I'll probably stop by Hope's when I get done with everything." She says as she walks to the door.

"Okay I'll see you later." I say.

"Yeah, see you later beautiful." She smiles walking out the door.


"Tobes will you head out to my car? I left a case of water in there a couple days ago can you bring it in here for us?" Hope asks as her,Kling, Ash, and I play COD.

"Yeah sure." I say as I stand up and walk outside.

I open the door to Hope's car and pop the trunk, walking around to the back of the vehicle and reaching in to grab the water.


I hear the noise of an arrow splitting through the air, my first instinct being to turn around. As my torso turns I feel the sleek but sharp metal of the arrow Pierce the skin just below my ribs, a burning sensation erupting through my abdomen then spreading into my body.

I yelp and fall to the ground. Hope quickly runs out of the house to me, she must have have felt it because of the alpha bond. She scoops me up bridal style in her arms before carrying me quickly inside and locking the door.

She takes me down to the basement where Kling and Ash are standing next to the metal table.

"God make the burning stop." I whine as I clench my teeth together, tears forming in my eyes.

"I'm going to Baby Wolf, just give me a minute." Hope murmurs as she lays me on the table.

The coldness of the metal sends goosebumps across my burning up, sweat covered skin.

Fuck it burns. I feel my inner wolf attempt to shift to help ease the pain but I will it back. Hope and Ash strap down my wrists and legs as Kling cuts up one side of my shirt then across my chest and through my arm, pulling the material away from my tan skin.

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