Chapter Fifteen

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*Christen POV*

"Who are you to Tobin?" I ask the girl standing just passed the closed door.

"Just an old friend." She smiles.

I sigh "Well we are curing Tobin right now so you can wait until it's all done."

I lead her to Kling,Alex, and Kelley.

"This is Meghan, Alex and Kelley." I introduce her.

"I'm Caroline, it's nice to meet you guys." She smiles.

*Alex POV*

I know I just met her but I really don't like this girl. There's just something about her, I can't pinpoint it.

Hope comes upstairs and walks into the kitchen washing Tobin's blood from her hands.

"When she wakes up she should be back to normal Tobin." Abby smiles.

"Thank you so much. All of you." I say.

"It's no problem. Hunters have always been a problem for us." Christie says.

"Speaking of, we should probably go scope out around the woods and make sure there aren't any unwanted visitors." Julie says.

"Yeah we'll come with." Abby says.

Christen,Julie,Abby,Christen, and Carli soon walk out the door and are gone into the woods.

Ashlyn walks up the stairs after they leave and smiles when she sees Caroline.

"Hey, you came." The tall blonde says as she hugs Caroline.

"Of course I did. You know I'd do anything for Tobin." Caroline says and I feel a rush of anger pulse through me.

"How do you know Tobin?" I ask as I stand and Kling goes downstairs to check on Tobin.

"We're just old friends." She informs me.

I narrow my eyes slightly "Okay well let me make this clear. Tobin is mine, okay? Mine. Not anyone elses. She is my mate and even if I am just human I will kick your ass if you try anything with her. Got it?"

By now I am face to face with her, well I have to look up slightly to her.

She smirks slightly at me "I would watch how you talk to me. I'm not a person you want to piss off."

"Neither am I." I state.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" I hear my favorite voice.

Everyone turns to look towards the origin of the voice.

"Oh my God, Tobin." Caroline says at the same time as me and I shoot her a glare before walking over and wrapping my arms around her neck tightly.

*Tobin POV*

As soon as Alex touches me everything else disappears. I wrap my arms around her waist and hold her body against mine tightlt.

God I missed her.

I kiss her softly but lovingly before looking at everyone else in the room.

My breath catches in my throat when I see her.


"Uhm hey Car." I smile slightly.

"Hey Tobes." She smiles back.

God that smile used to be the death of me. Used to be. I'm the Alex now.

"It's been a long time." I say, receiving a nod from her.

"Yeah when I got the call from Ash saying something was wrong with you I came here as soon as I possibly could." She informs me.

"Well I'm glad you came." I smile slightly.

"I'm glad I did too. It's really nice seeing you again, you look better. A lot better actually."

I chuckle slightly "Thank you."

"For God's sake. Hug her already so we don't have to listen to this." Kling says quiet dramatically.

I roll my eyes as she steps closer to me and I hug her.

I used to spend my nights dreaming about being in these arms. Used to.

I pull away and turn to Alex trying to lighten the mood.

"So what did I miss while I was busy being crazy?" I smile.

"I gave birth to Oakley." Lex smiles gently at me.

"Really? Can I hold her?" I ask and she nods as Kelley hands me the small child.

"She's so little." I say quietly as I hold her close to my body.

*Caroline POV*

Tobin is easily the cutest human being I've ever met.

But seeing her handling that baby, even if it is Alex's, makes me feel some type of way.

"We should go out and party considering Baby Wolf is back to normal." Ashlyn says.

Baby Wolf?

Tobin smiles "I'll go but I'm not gonna drink much."

"I'm probably going to stay here and watch Oakley." Alex shrugs.

"Then I'll stay here." Tobin states.

Wow this girl really has her hooked.

"No you need to come with us since you're the reason we are going out in the first place." The short one says, I think her name was Kling or something like that.

"Come on Tobes, I'm probably going too." I smile at her.

I can see her internal struggle as she weighs her options.

Alex speaks up "It's okay Tobes, go ahead. I'll hang here with Oakley and watch a movie or something." She says before flashing a small smile.

Is there any imperfection to this girl?

Tobin finally agrees to go out with us.

The group that is going is Ash,Tobes,Kelley,Kling, Hope, and I.

Once we get out of the house and to a club I can see Tobin begin to let loose.

I'm standing with Ash while we talk when Tobin catches my eye.

She's on the dance floor and dancing like there is no tomorrow.

She always said she couldn't dance, can't dance my ass.

I excuse myself and make my way over to her and begin dancing with her.

Her hands find my hips and our bodies move in perfect sync with each other.

Oh how I missed this girl.

Her forehead is glistening with sweat as a single bead rolls down the side of her face, she's in a cut off shirt so you can see her biceps bulging slightly as her perfectly toned body moves in sync with the thumping base that vibrates our chests.

I move closer to her as a small smirk spreads across my lips.

Before either of us know it we are lip locked in the middle of the dance floor, fire and electricity racing through my veins as her fingers grab desperately at my hips.

My hands find their way into her hair as I pull her face to mine kissing her with as much passion and need as possible.

She's going to hate me for this later but it's so worth it.

A/N:Awh snap. Let me know what you guys think! I love you babes, be nice to yourselves and keep it positive. (: -Kaycee

P.S. That gif of Kells doing a pull up will be the death of me.

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