Chapter Seventeen

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*Caroline POV*

We all eventually got back from the club and Ash let me stay at her place.

It's morning now and I'm making coffee in the kitchen of her apartment.

"Please tell me I smell coffee." I hear Ashlyn groan as she walks into her kitchen and sits on a barstool.

"You smell coffee." I chuckle as I hand her a mug.

She hums appreciatively as she brings the mug to her lips.

"So I have a question." I ask as I take a drink of my coffee.

"Ask away." She smiles.

"Did Tobin imprint on Alex?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah, Alex is Tobin's mate." She informs me and I feel my heart shattering.

I bite my lip hard as I look down.

"I'm so sorry Caroline. I know what it's like to imprint on someone that imprinted on someone else." She says softly.

"It just sucks you know? We can't control it so why in the hell does it happen? Tobin is my mate but I'm not hers, I guess I always knew that but she never imprinted on someone so I refused to believe it." I say as my voice cracks and a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Tobin cares about you." Ash says as she stands and rubs my back.

"Not the way I care about her." I shake my head as I wipe at my eyes.

"God, I love her so much." I cry.

"I know Car, I know." She pulls me into a hug.

Tobin is my anchor, the thought of her is what gets me through the day.

I knew I wouldn't be the one she imprinted on but it's just so real now. Every fear I've ever had just got solidified and if I said it doesn't feel like my entire world is crumbling, I'd be lying.

I eventually pull myself together enough to get up, take a shower, and get ready for the day.

When I walk out of the bathroom I hear Ashlyn on the phone.

"Wait, so where is Alex?" I hear the soft voice as I walk passed her room and into the kitchen grabbing myself an apple.

A few minutes later Ashlyn walks in.

"We have to go to Hope's." She states grabbing a bottle of water and her keys.

"Okay but why?" I ask.

"Some shit went down. Long story short Alex cheated on Tobin, Tobin kind of lost it and tore out the guy's throat, Hope took her inside and this morning Alex and Oakley were gone." She explains as we get in her car.

"Oh my God Tobin." I mumble to myself.

I start to get angry. How could you hurt Tobin? She's such an amazing person and she would never in a million years cheat on someone.

"Let's hope for Alex's sake she doesn't show up anytime soon." Ashlyn states, voicing my thoughts as she drives down the road.

"She will have some very pissed off werewolves to deal with." She says as she pulls up to Hope's house and we both get out.

As soon as I get inside I see Tobin sitting on the couch. Her eyes are puffy, hair messy, nose is red and yet, she still looks beautiful.

I go sit next to her and she wraps her arms around my stomach immediately, laying her head against my chest.

I wrap an arm around her and rub her back gently.

She grips my shirt tightly and clenches her eyes shut as I feel a few wet droplets soak through to my skin.

"It's going to be okay Tobes, I've got you." I murmur as I rub her back.

*Ashlyn POV*

I'm standing in the kitchen with Hope and Kling.

"Look guys I know no one here really likes Caroline, but she's a sweet girl. She acts all bitchy and strong but really she's dying inside. Tobin is her mate, she imprinted on her, but obviously she isn't Tobin's. I know neither one of you know what it feels like to imprint on someone that doesn't feel the same way so let me explain it to you. Imagine you could see your mate but they can't see you. Imagine going your entire life watching them be happy with their mate knowing you can never have her. Imagine waking up every single day feeling completely fucking empty inside. Imagine going through every day on autopilot, not having any purpose at all, not really living, just existing, taking up space. Imagine feeling completely lost and utterly worthless. Imagine watching your entire world fall in love with someone else. Imagine that pain and emptiness. That is exactly how Caroline feels. She will never know what it is like to be loved by her mate and one true love. So give her some slack okay?" I finish slightly out of breath.

Kling and Hope both stare at me for a few minutes before nodding.

"We'll be nice to her as long as she doesn't give us a reason not to be." Hope says.

"Thank you, that's all I ask." I smile slightly at them.


*Tobin's POV*

Caroline, Kling, Hope, Ash and I are all going to search the woods to make sure Alex isn't somewhere dying, and to make sure the hunters are keeping their distance.

We are all walking through the woods near Hope's house. It's pretty dark out but the moon provides some light.

As we walk I hear the whooshing sound of an arrow. I quickly turn around along with Hope.

A millisecond later there is an arrow sticking into the tree behind us.

"Guys they're close." I mumble.

We move into a circle formation with our back to each other.

All of us have shifted slightly. Eyes changed, physically bigger with our claws and fangs out as we wait for another attack.

I see movement in the trees before a figure launching at us. I grab the material of a vest, slamming the body into a tree.

I lock eyes with the attacker, only to be met with a pair of eyes I know all too well.

A/N:NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE THE LAST ONE. If you have any questions or comments leave them below. I love you guys, keep it positive and be nice to yourselves. -Kaycee

P.S. Who do you think the hunters are?

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