Chapter Five

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It's winter break. The day before break started we all went to a party and since then Alex has been basically ignoring me. Since I haven't been around her much there's this dull ache in my chest, it makes me feel empty.

I am currently in my living room playing COD: Black Ops 2 with Meghan.

"So what's the deal with you and Alex?" She asks, her gaze staying on the screen.

"I don't know, ever since that party at Jackson's she's been ignoring me." I sigh as I kill another zombie on the screen.

"That's weird. I hate to think it but maybe she did something that she regrets and feels guilty about it?" Meghan says carefully like she's trying not to upset me.

"What do you mean." I state more than ask as my grip around the controller tightens.

"Like, I don't know, maybe she uh cheated or something." She gets quiet towards the end.

My muscles tense as I clench my jaw. "Do you know something I don't, Kling?" I ask through clenched teeth, pausing the game.

"Tobin. I need you to breathe, okay?" She says gently.

"I'm breathing perfectly fine Kling. Now tell me what is going on." I turn to face her.

"Okay. Alex is your mate, yeah? So what I'm about to tell you is going to hurt like fucking hell. Technically, since you two are mates, Alex shouldn't be very attracted to anyone other than you. But she was really fucking drunk Tobes." Meghan starts as I dig my nails into the palms of my hands.

"Spit. It. Out. Meghan." I growl through my teeth.

"I walked in on that guy Servando kissing her. I don't know if she was kissing back or anything because I shut the door as soon as I opened it." She says quickly.

I'm hit with a wave of pure anger. I stand up quickly, my muscles shaking slightly as I stride towards the door.

Meghan grabs my arm, "Tobin, wait. You are pissed. I get that, I do, but you need to stop and take a deep breath before you do something stupid."

I rip my arm away from her and shake my head "That's the fucking thing, you don't get how I feel right now, because you haven't fucking imprinted on anyone." I growl loudly at her.

"Actually, yes I have." She states back.

I frown, calming down slightly. "Wait, what? Why didn't you tell the pack?" I ask.

"I told Hope. That's it." She sighs.

"Why?" I tilt my head.

"I don't know." She shrugs, "I just didn't want you guys to tease me about it I guess because our whole pack has this reputation for being badasses." She looks down.

"Meghan, we wouldn't tease you, look how you guys treated me when you found out about Alex." I say trying to suppress my anger. "We are family dude. No matter how bad ass we are we will still be happy and supportive for you. What's her name?" I ask.

"Morgan." She smiles slightly, "but I don't know it doesn't feel like how I've heard everyone that has imprinted describes." She shrugs.

"What did it feel like with you and Alex?" She asks me.

I feel the anger basically slap me in the face again. I tense up again as I clench my jaw.

"I have to go." I state as I walk out the door.

"Tobin, wait." She yells after me as I start jogging down the sidewalk.

Before I know it I'm at Alex's house. Her parents' cars are gone. She's home alone.

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