Chapter Sixteen

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*Tobin POV*

I felt a small surge of pain as we got to the club. I didn't think anything of it, probably just the after effects of everything that happened to me.

It doesn't seem like we are there long before I'm quiet buzzed and dancing with the mass of people on the dance floor.

I watch as Car (Pronounced Care for all who don't know) makes her way over to me. Dear mother of God I wish Lex came.

Her and I aren't dancing for long before she kisses me. The alcohol consumes my better judgement so I kiss back almost desperately. Before I know it I have her pinned against the wall against the hallway towards towards the restrooms.

I hear Beautiful Now playing in the background. Hey, Alex loves this song. Shit Alex.

I push myself away from Caroline. "I'm uh I'm so sorry" I start shaking my head "I can't do this. Fuck." I curse myself before leaving the club quickly.

Hope races out after me and spinning me around in the parking lot. "Easy there tiger, where are you going? I think you should know better than to go places alone, considering what happened."

"I have to get back to your house. I can't be here I need to be with Alex and Oakley, and I'm sorry I'm just kind of in a hurry because I did something I shouldn't have done." I rush out.

"At least let me drive you, I watched you down a few drinks and I haven't drank anything." Hope says.

I nod as I get in the passenger seat of my car and hand Hope my keys.

She puts them in the ignition and soon we are driving down the highway.

My mind is going 1,000 miles an hour.

You fucked up, Tobin.

How could you do that to her?

All she did was love you and you do this to her.

She has a baby that she needs to take care of, she doesn't need your bullshit too.

We arrive at Hope's house and I get out, walking to the door.

"Wait, Tobin." Hope says and I hear her humming trying to distract my ears.

"What Hope?" I say growing uneasy.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" She asks.

"Uhm I guess so." I say, frowning slightly.

We start walking into the woods.

"When you got hurt I was really scared Tobes." Hope says quietly.

"I was scared at first until everything set in. Then I was just angry, angry at you, at Alex, at every one. I had this pounding headache and overwhelming urge to bash someone's head in. I'm so sorry for trying to uhm, you know, rip your heart out." I say.

"I was so worried you wouldn't get better. You and I have always had each other's back so when I didn't have you I didn't know who to look to. When you shoved your hand in my chest and wrapped your fingers around my heart I almost wished you had ripped it out. You're my best friend, if I didn't have you I wouldn't have known what to do. I'm so sorry I sent you out to get that water, it's my fault you went through all that." She says her voice cracking slightly.

I tear up and turn to Hope hugging her tall frame to my smaller one tightly.

"I love you Hope." I say as a few tears fall down my cheeks.

"I love you too Baby Wolf." She mumbles rubbing my back.

"So uhm why were you humming so I couldn't hear in the house earlier?" I ask as her and I start walking back towards the house.

"Alex was on the phone and I didn't want you to intrude on her conversation because I know you would."

We both chuckle.

"True." I say.

Once the house is in view I see someone leaving it.

I frown as I focus on the figure. Once I realise who it is my blood begins to boil and I see red.

I quickly run over to the car he just got in as my eyes change while my claws and fangs become visible. I punch his window out and drag him through it, hopefully cutting him on the glass.

I slam him against the ground hard.

He stares into my eyes and smirks as I keep him pinned the ground.

"Hey Tobin." He smirks.

"I wouldn't be very cocky with me right now Servando" I growl.

"You see Tobin, the thing is. I'm a wolf too." He smirks as his eyes change color and he kicks me off him.

"I'm a hybrid you dumbass. So not only am I stronger than you, but just better over all." I say as I pin him against his car with my hands around his neck.

"Tobin, Tobes, calm down." Hope says as she grabs at my shirt trying to pull me away from him.

I shove my hand into his chest.

"Let go Hope. If you pull me away his heart comes with." I growl.

I feel her release my shirt as the door to Hope's house opens.

"Alex go back inside." Hope says as I hear quick footsteps towards me.

I push Servando to the ground, releasing his heart as I return to normal.

"How the fuck could you Alex?!" I yell at her, getting in her face.

"Me?! Like you're one to talk! You've been flirting with Caroline since she got here!" She yells back and I feel myself growing angry again.

"At least when her and I kissed I knew it was wrong! I know you fucked him because no matter how weird it sounds, you smell different after sex and you reek of his scent!" I yell.

She shoves me and that's what pushes me over the edge.

My eyes turn into an electric blue and burning gold as I feel myself transitioning and before I know it Alex is on the ground holding her arm and Hope throws me backwards, her alpha side taking over as she growls loudly at me.

I land next to Servando who is watching the entire scene go down.

I get back on all four legs and pin him down biting his throat and whipping my head back and forth, ripping his curated and jugular open.

I feel Hope rip me away from him and slam me against his car. Her hands wrap around my neck as I slowly return to normal.

As soon as I'm back in human form tears begin streaming down my face.

Hope scoops my very naked body into her arms and carries me into her house. She sits me on her bed and brings me clothes of mine that I have here.

The tears don't stop streaming down my cheeks as she pulls me into her, both of us lying down.

"I love Alex so much." I cry. "I just tore open a man's throat. I know I hate him and I know he probably deserved it but I still killed him." I get out between sobs.

"I'm such a fucked up person." I sob.

"Shhhh Tobes, it's all going to be okay. Just take a deep breath and relax, I'm here and I've got you." Hope murmurs.

I don't know when but I eventually cry myself to sleep while Hope rubs my back.

A/N:Let me know what you guys think. What do you think will happen next? If you have any questions about anything leave a comment. I love you guys, stay positive and be nice to yourselves (: -Kaycee

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