Chapter Six

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The day after I beat the shit out of that asshole Servando, the pack, Alex, Kelley, and I drove up to my parents cabin to spend a couple days. Hope obviously took every opportunity she could to scare us by swerving on the icy roads but all in all we had a fun time on the way.

We just put all our stuff inside and Hope, Kelley and I snuck outside and made some snowballs then called the others outside.

As soon as they stepped outside, Hope and Kelley popped out from behind two trees and I dropped to the ground from one as we start pelting them with snowballs.

"Oh its on!" I hear Ash yell as they start throwing snowballs back at us.

After a while Kelley and Alex get cold so we head back inside.

I lead my girlfriend to the main bedroom that we are sharing as I shut the door behind us.

She's shivering slightly and I start feeling kind of bad for keeping her outside that long.

"Here, lift your arms up." I tell her and she does as I say.

I slip the hoodie she has on over her head then grab the hem of her shirt and look into her eyes, asking permission.

She nods as I slowly lift off her.

My breath catches in my throat as my eyes take in her nearly naked torso.

Starting to feel self conscious she goes to cover herself with her arms but I grab her wrists firmly, but gently.

"Don't." I mumble looking up to lock eyes with her, "you're beautiful." I tell her, my voice gentle.

My inner wolf is clawing from the inside but I try blocking it out.

"Alex, I need to tell you something." I murmur.

"What is it Toby?" She asks, tilting her head.

"I imprinted on you. You're my mate." I inform her.

"Tobes, I know." The beauty before me chuckles.

"What? How?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I can feel it too." She smiles softly.

"Oh." I nod feeling stupid.

She brings her hand to caress the side of my face and my breath hitches as she leans in slowly, before stopping millimeters away from my lips.

"Can I?" She whispers.

In answer, I close the tiny gap. I don't feel fireworks like people describe in booms and movies. But, instead, I feel home, I feel safe, I feel like I found my place in the world.

And before I know it, my shirt is on the ground and Alex is beneath me on the bed as we make out, our tongues wrestling for dominance.

I pull back so she can breathe.

"Lex?" I ask as I kiss her neck softly.

"Hm?" She hums as she bites her lip.

"Can I claim you?" I ask my eyes locked on a spot on her neck.

She nods.

My eyes shift from caramel to golden as I grow fangs and sink them into her neck.

I feel her nails dig into my shoulders from the pain but she soon moans in pleasure.

I pull my fangs out then kiss the bite mark that I left, soothing it with my tongue.

I begin trailing kisses down her neck as her grip on my shoulders loosens and she pulls my face up to connect out lips in a hot, passionate kiss.

In this moment, it is just us. No drama, no problems, no bullshit. All that matters is her and I.

"I love you Tobin Heath." Alex whispers in my ear as she plants kisses along my jawline causing a quiet groan to slip past my lips.

"I love you too Alex Morgan." I moan quietly as she sucks on the pulse point in my neck.

Yeah, we aren't going to be seeing the others for a while.


The next morning I wake up and smile softly at Alex. Her and I are wrapped up, naked, in the sheets. The sun is streaking through the cracks in the curtains making her literally glow.

I carefully slip from her grasp and pull on a pair of underwear, joggers, a sports bra and a cut off t shirt.

I lean down and kiss her forehead as I walk out of the main bedroom to be met with Kling and Ash sitting at the table in the dining room.

I can't wipe the smile I have off my face as I walk passed them into the kitchen and get myself a cup of coffee, I stretch slightly and whine quietly before I sit down at the table with my two friends.

"Good morning." I smile.

"Is it still morning if you never slept?" Ash asks as she sips her coffee.

"Why didn't you sleep?" I ask frowning.

"No one in a damn ten mile radius slept last night." Kling grumbles.

"Why do you say that?" I ask again.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe it's because we heard 'Uh, yes Tobin don't stop' all night." Carli says as she walks in and gets coffee causing me to blush.

"You forgot 'Fuck I'm coming! Oh my god, yes'" Ash smirks fake moaning.

I blush more. "Shut up guys. Last night was our first time and I claimed her." I inform them as I drink more of my coffee.

"We are happy for you Tobes but next time tell your girlfriend to be a little more quiet" Kling teases.

"Guys I'm really itching to go for a run. Who's in?" I ask tapping my foot.

"Let's do it." Ash, Kling, and Carli say in unison.

I write a note telling Lex,Hope, and Kells that we are out for a run.

We file out the door and start jogging.

Man this weather feels good.

It's lightly sprinkling snow and we are all jogging down the vacant road.

After a bit we come back to breakfast cooked and the other three girls sitting down at the table.

"Save some for us?" I ask feeling my stomach grumble in hunger.

"Of course, help yourselves." Lex smiles and I walk passed her and kiss her cheek.

"Thanks baby girl." I smile and go get my food.


We spent a couple days at the cabin and now we are getting ready to head home.

I load all our stuff into my car. Yes I realize we should only have five people in it but we squished us all into it.

After I grab all the snacks, we pile in.

I'm driving, Alex in the passenger seat. Then the other five in the backseat.

As I drive we are all singing and dancing along to the radio.

I glance around and frown before twisting my torso to look in the backseat.

"Hey Kells, do you have-" I start to ask but am cut off by Alex.

"TOBIN!!!" She screams I quickly face the road only to hear a loud truck horn and shattering glass.

The only thing running through my mind is: Alex.

Then everything goes black.

A/N: Hey guyssssssss let me know what's on your minds (: . Don't hate me please. Go ahead and vote, ya know if you feel like it. Keep it positive (: -Kaycee

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