Chapter Eighteen

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I stare into the pair of eyes I know all too well. Crystal clear blue, almost like an ocean with the small swirls of grey.

"Alex." I mumble, letting go of her as I return to normal.

"Y-you are a hunter?" I ask in shock as I back away from her slightly.

I clench my jaw as she stutters out explanations.

"Alex. Are you the one who shot me?" I ask with balled fists.

Before she can answer four more hooded figures comes from the woods and Hope, Kling, Ash and Caroline begin fighting with them.

Seeing her friends in action must spark something in Alex because she jumps into action.

Her eyes glaze over with a certain kind of hatred as she pulls a knife out and begins swinging at me.

I block her attacks as my eyes change and claws and fangs come out.

"Don't make me hurt you Alex." I say.

In return she slices my shirt, just barely grazing my abs.

I hiss slightly in pain as I pin her to a tree. I growl lowly as she kicks me away from her and stabs at me but I dodge it, her knife sinking into the wood of a pine tree.

Another hooded figure launches from the shadows of the tall trees. It tackles me to the ground and I see electric blue eyes stare back into mine.

I try to push him off me but he punches me in the face hard. The back of my head slams into the ground. I feel blood seep through my scalp and soak my hair.

He slashes across my chest, slicing me open just above my breasts. A deep growl rumbles through my chest as I kick him off of me and he slams into a tree.

I quickly get up and wrap my hands around his neck before squeezing tightly.

Do it Tobin, kill him.

I hear Hope's voice in my head.

I clench my jaw and shove my clawed hand deep into his chest, wrapping my fingers around his beating heart.

I watch as his jaw drops and his hands grip my forearm.

"P-please please don't." He gasps out as his eyes change from electric blue to a deep brown.

I snarl "You would've done the same."

I rip my hand out of his chest, tearing the pumping organ out of his chest cavity.

I watch as his lifeless body falls to its knees before falling against me then to the ground after I move.

I stare at the heart in my hands and get this overwhelming urge to kill.

It's been so long since I felt bloodlust I forgot what it was like.

I drop the heart to the ground as two of the hunters whistle and I hear far off footsteps coming our way.

I turn as Alex swings her fist at me. She has some sort of spikes attached to her fists.

Damn that would've hurt.

I grip her wrist and shove her back.

My muscles ripple as they get bigger. I hate fighting my mate but if they are trying to kill you, what else can you do?

She lunges at me swinging again and I catch both her wrists. Our eyes lock together, glazed over blue to golden and blue.

I stare into her eyes searching for anything to make her quit. Her eyes are guarded and she looks pissed.

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