Chapter Nine

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"What the fuck do you guys want?" I growl.

It's been just over an hour and I have very whipped,electrocuted, and just over all beat.

"To break you." One of them simply states before pouring water with wolfsbane in it all over me.

"Fuck." I yell as I pull against the ropes around my wrists only to burn them even more.

The burns begin to heal and I wonder why the slashes in my back haven't yet.

Eventually they release me for some free time before I have to go back to my container.

I walk with my head down.

"Hey Carls where are you?" I mind link to her.

I feel my body collide with someone else's making us fall with me on the bottom. I wince as my back hits the ground.

"Shit." I hear an Australian accent.

"I'm so sorry." I apologize as the girl lifts her head so we are looking at each other.

Wow she has pretty eyes.

"No its totally my fault I should have paid better attention to were I was going." She smiles slightly, her accent thick.

I return the smile, "Well neither was I so I guess we are both the blame."

"I'm Steph, Steph Catley." She smiles before her eyes widen, "and I am still on top of you." She quickly stands up.

"I'm sorry." She apologizes.

"Nah its okay and I'm Tobin, Tobin Heath." I smile.

"You must be new, I've never seen you around before." She furrows her eyebrows.

"First day, actually." I chuckle.

Her face drops, "I'm assuming you have received a beating already."

"Uh yeah, how'd you know?" I ask.

"Every newbie gets their beatings. It is kind of their way of them telling us we belong to them now. Even though they brand and tattoo us." Steph informs me.

"Oh." I say frowning.

"How long have you been here? If you don't mind me asking." I ask her.

"Two years." She answers. "I got captured when I was sixteen."

"Are you a wolf?" I ask.

She nods, "From birth."

"Why are they doing this?" I ask.

"They think they can alter our DNA to make us better than we already are because they think that some war is going to happen and they want super soldiers. The beating is them crushing our hopes of freedom" Steph explains.

"Wait, so does anyone ever get out?" I ask.

Steph shakes her head, "not that I've ever heard of."


Three consecutive bells ring out over the compound.

"Time to get back to our containers." Steph says.

"See you tomorrow?" I ask and she smiles and nods as we make our separate ways.


I'm torn from my dreams of the crystal clear eyes belonging to my mate by a sharp pain in my ribs.

My eyes shoot open as I see a uniformed man standing over me holding a chain.

"Get up kid you start your treatments today." He states.

I frown.


He swings his arm down hitting me with the chain again and I yelp.

"I'm getting up, I'm getting up." I say as I quickly get out of bed.

I don't even get to change my clothes as he leads me into what I assume are the headquarters and to a room named 'lab 7'.

"Strip down to your underwear and lie on the table." He states.

I sigh and strip to the sports bra and boxers that they issued me then lie on the cold metal table.

Before I can say anything he straps my wrists, ankles, biceps, and neck down.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I ask earning a slap across the face.

"Shut up." He growls as he types some things into the computer next to my table then leaves.

Well fuck.

The metal straps are reinforce with something that I cannot break.

A few minutes later European dude and asshole number 1 walk in.

"Ah, I see you are all prepared to begin your treatments." He smiles a sickeningly sweet smile that I honestly want to rip off his face.

He turns to asshole number 1 and whispers something in his ear before leaving.

The guy puts on a mask and walks over to a table. He comes back over with a syringe then injects its contents into a vein in my forearm.

As soon as the liquid enters me it feels like my body is set on fire.

I scream in pain only to earn a lash to the ribs with a heavy chain.

I growl lowly my eyes changing color, my fangs and claws coming out.

He continues to inject me with a series of shots. Some burn, some feel like their are crystals forming in my veins, others make me so angry I try to break my own bones to get to the guy.

Eventually he gives me one that puts me to sleep, my muscles and body relaxing.


I've been here for a month and my routine is the same.

Wake up. Get treatments. Go to lunch. Get beat. Hang out with Steph and Carli. Go to bed. Repeat.

I've lost hope in anyone coming for me. My heart aches because I miss my mate so badly but the good news is that I haven't had any extra pain so that means that she hasn't been with anyone else.

I'm currently sitting in the rec room with Steph, Carli, and this girl Ronda that Steph introduced me to.

"I just realized that Carli has never said anything about treatments or beatings or anything." Steph says.

"There's nothing to talk about. They give me a shot every morning and take blood then I go off to my sparring." Carli shrugs.

"Oh okay." Steph says.

"I'm going to head to my container." Carli says.

After bidding our goodbyes Steph and I decide that we are going to go for a walasaround the perimeter.

As we are walking I stop and lean against the back of a shipping container and look up at the stars.

"It's a beautiful night." I murmur.

"Not as beautiful as you." Steph states.

I turn my head to see her staring at me, our eyes locking together.

I bite the inside of my cheek.

"God forgive me." I whisper as I grab Steph's hips and pull her into me connecting our lips.

I'm not surprised when she grabs my face kissing me back.

All I can think is how this isn't Alex.

She's not her.

But God does my body needs this right now.

I'm so sorry Alex.

A/N:awh shit.....lemme know what you guys think I really enjoy reading your comments. Ily guys stay positive and be nice to yourselves (: -Kaycee

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