Chapter Seven

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The first thing I feel is a burning sensation ripping through my veins.

I try to yell but nothing comes out, I try to lash out at something but I can't move.

What the fuck is happening to me?

I feel electricity spark in my hand as someone grabs it.


I can tell she has been crying because she is shaking slightly.

"Toby...I don't know what's going on and why you haven't healed like Hope and the rest of the pack. Kelley and I were barely bruised from the accident, they say it's some kind of miracle but I don't want to be a miracle if you aren't here with me. I know you're strong, just pull through for me okay?" Her voice is shaky and my heart clenches hearing the sadness in her words.

I try to do something, anything to show her that I can hear her. But nothing happens.

I hear who I'm assuming is my doctor come in and tell her she has to leave so he can run a few more tests.

I hear some shuffling around before what feels like razors flowing through my body and my eyes shoot open as I take a big breath, sitting up quickly.

"Good. It worked. Now I need to do a few tests." A middle aged man smiles.

My throat feels like its constricting. I'm so damn thirsty. I feel so different.

What the hell is going on?

He hands me a glass of water and tells me to drink it.

I don't think anything of it and bring the cold glass to my lips taking a large gulp. As soon as the liquid touches my lips and flows into my mouth it burns like hell.

I start coughing as I spit the water out.

"What the fuck was that?" I cough as the burns heal.

"Water. Laced with a herb that has the effect of wolfsbane except for vampires." He smirks before whispering to himself. " actually worked."

"I'm not a vampire, why did it burn me?" I ask confused and growing slightly worried.

"Correct. You are not a vampire but I did some experimenting. Once I found out that you were a werewolf I couldn't resist. I've done the same experiment with plenty of other werewolves and it has always resulted in it frying their brain and well they go insane. But you, you are special for some reason. So congratulations, you are now a hybrid. Cross of a vampire and a werewolf. Good luck controlling your new found urges." He smirks before stepping out.

Alex and Hope come in a few minutes after he leaves and I swallow hard. I can hear Alex's heartbeat and the blood flowing through her veins.

"Toby." She murmurs before wrapping her arms tightly around me.

God I love her....but I can't control myself.

"Alex I need you to leave. Now. It's for your safety. I'll explain later." I choke out.

"What are you talking about?" She asks, frowning, as she pulls back.

"That wackjob doctor did something to me that basically altered my genetics so I'm a hybrid now. Go in the waiting room and stay close to the pack. Please." I tell her concern evident on my face.

"I love you." I tell her as she walks out.

"I love you too." She gives me a small smile as she leaves.

I explain everything to Hope. (With a small break so I can sign my release papers)

"So you are like the ultimate badass now." She smirks and I sigh.

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