Bakas Everywhere

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Killua's pov:

In second period the lunch bell rang, and everyone got up, and left while I stayed behind them. I scoff at my peers for being merry, and cherry that they get to eat with their friends... and spend time with them. Something that I never had the chance to do, which was to make friends. Whatever, it's not like I care.


I stroll into the cafeteria and keep my guard up by watching my surroundings. Tch, there's Tonpa. The "big kid" walked up to what seemed to be a freshman to the school and handed him a drink. Don't drink it, Don't drink it. I mentally warn the kid, but he takes it anyways and pours the contents down his throat. Baka.

Annoyed from the ignorant kid, I turn around to see what was on the school lunches menu. The word orange, and chicken catches my eye, and my mind sets it's desire on the words, carving the taste of the orange chicken and rice.

After getting my food I turn around to find a seat, but I stop instantly, stepping out of the way when a girl wasn't looking; by doing this, it only pissed me off. "Watch where you are going, ba-aka!" I yelled, and smiled satisfactorily when I see her baffled face turn into rage. Her long blonde hair falls into her face and she yells at me. "How about you before I knock your face into the ground!"

I chuckle at her threat, and walk away because I didn't want to waste my time arguing with a whinny girl. I get to a table, but stop when I see a boy with blonde hair throwing another teen with black spiky hair into the table in front of me. "Do I look like a girl to you lust boy?" The blonde kid asks with glowing red eyes. Damn, he must be pissed off or something for his eyes to be like that. The black haired teen stuttered with a bright red face. "You looked like on from behind-" SMACK.

I stifle in laughter after I put the pieces together. Lust boy totally hit on the red eye kid, and thought he was a girl. What a classic!

"Bakas." I whisper to myself, and walk off to a different table, praying that no one will pop in and "Killua!" I spin around "What?!" I yell at the person who had just approached me. I drop my pissed off face when I see the kid that I had just met this morning. "Oh sorry," I say awkwardly and force myself to smile. Gon laughs off his surprised expression. "How is your day going?" he asks loudly, and I respond coolly with a shrug, and asked him the same question. "I've been having fun this morning!" he tells me, and goes on and on about the things he did today, and I throw in the occasional mhm and nods to show that I am "listening" while I hungrily eat my food.

"Neh, want to be my friend?" Gon asks all of a sudden, and I spit my food out and look over at him. "Hah?" I ask for clarification, and he repeats the question that I thought that I had misheard. "Uh, sure." I tell him quickly, and stuff my face with food because I never had a friend before, and to know that I have one makes me feel awkward because I don't know what else to do. "Yata!" Gon shouts and throws his hands in the air. "That's great, we can hangout and do fun things together." he says eagerly, and a pit forms in my stomach. Have I made a mistake? Should I be making a friend considering my circumstances?

Everyone and including me is baka...

killugon: friends? lovers. 「discontinued」Where stories live. Discover now