Separation pt. 2

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Lerio's pov:

The apartment was in ruin...

At first I didn't know what to think of, because if I dared to even think, then I would have gotten an idea that Kurapika, and Gon was dead.

Before I got there though, I was coming back from scoping the area near our apartment for any spies until I heard a huge explosion, and saw dust and rubble thrown into the air. I immediately took off because I knew where that came from, and when I got to the apartments... The whole building crumbled to the ground. I stood there in shock, and at that moment, I didn't breathe or move until I heard a soft, reassuring beep, alerting me that Kurapika was still alive, and  moving.

But where?

Without thinking, I followed the dot on my tracker watch. 'I hope they are okay; please be okay.' I pleaded in my head. After two hours of running, I came across a huge estate building, and am now hiding in the bushes, trying to see if there is security outside.

When I see that it's clear, I sneak myself in, but I should have known that it should never be easy to get inside a building.

A guard comes up behind me, but luckily I saw him coming,and we get into a pretty good fight. Eventually I win, and steal his clothes, after shoving him into a nearby room. I scrunch up my nose when I smell BO from the uniform that I took, which is a suit for a ninja... Wow, I beat a ninja! I have to tell Kurapika... When I find him.

I stroll through the hallways, nodding my head in greetings to other ninjas, when suddenly, someone grabs me from the side into a room. They slam me onto the ground and sit on my chest with their hands around my neck. I smirk up at them and they blink in surprise. "Leorio?" Kurapika loosens his grip, and I can't help, but to chuckle. I prop myself on my elbow, and kiss Kurapika lightly. "I was so worried when I saw the explosion, I thought you were dead."

Kurapika flicks me on the forehead. "Idiot, do you really think that something like that, can take me down?" He sighs and stands up. "I was waiting for someone to come around to take their clothes, and blend in, but fortunately you came by." I couldn't help but to smile. He is so adorable when he gets frustrated.

"Want to kill time?" I wink at him, and bite my tongue, but he only shakes his head in irration. "Shut up Leorio."

After five seconds of silence I smirk again. "I fought a ninja, and won."

"Uh huh," Kurapika says while peeking through the door.


Killua's pov:

'Gomenasai, gomenasai, gomenasai, gomenasai...'

My hands are on my ears, and I am curled into a ball, sobbing.

'I don't want to hurt him. I promised him, I promised!"

The door opens in my room, and I stop crying, pretending to be sleeping on my bed.

"Killua, your friend wants to see you." Illumi says softly. I shift under my covers. "Can you tell dad that I want to talk to him afterwards?" I ask without my voice cracking. "Of course brother," he pauses, but continues. "I am glad that you have changed your attitude on friends, and that you brought the enemy here,"

Illumi walks up to me and runs his hand through my hair. "You have gotten strong too."

"Thanks to you." I lie, biting my tongue to keep myself from clawing his face off.
He takes his hand off, and walks away without closing the door... Why? All he has to do it shut it behind him, it's not that hard.

Well it doesn't really matter because I finally jump out of bed. 'This is it! This is my chance to save Gon and his friends!' I run out of my room as quickly as I can to Gon's room.

I barge into Gon's room, but he doesn't bother to look up. "Gon it's me. I am sorry for earlier, but I had to make my brother think that I am on his side." I tell him earnestly while I fumble with his chains. 'Calm down Killua.'

Gon looks up at me, utterly confused, but I can see that he believes me. but something else is bothering him. "Killua, who killed my dad?" I stop immediately, after finally releasing him.

"Killua, tell me." Gon raises his voice, and keeps his fierce gaze on me.

"Yeah Killua, why don't you tell him?" Illumi's bone chilling voice calls behind me and my blood leaves my entire body.

killugon: friends? lovers. 「discontinued」Where stories live. Discover now