The New Kid

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Okay these songs that I add here is not for the book or to set up the mood. I just add them here because I want to? Lmfao, so yeah... Or they can be, idk becuase these songs are pretty chill and I see this book to be pretty chill.

Killua's pov:

My alarm goes off again and I immediately shut it off, then I slip out of my bed and stretch my tired body. Yawning, I smack my lips together and drag myself to my closet. I throw on my uniform for my school and I don't even bother to tighten my tie.

I walk into my bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. When I see my messy white hair I shrug and quickly run my fingers through it. Blinking my eyes hard, I decide to throw cool water on my face to wake me up. Shivers run down my spine so I shake them out and lick my lips. After doing that, I realize that I need to brush my teeth so I start scrubbing them, tasting the refreshing mint that is waking up my nerves.

I shake my head when I see a tooth paste stain on my long black sleeve. The blue stain just stares back at me pity-fully while it slowly flops off my chest, leaving a white chalky stain. I lick my finger and start to wipe it off. It fades away and with that I walk into my small living room.

I have just moved in after getting into a fight with my mother which resulted me into hurting her and my brother. After that I ran away and this was the closest place to the Hunter's Academy so I moved in here without my family knowing. I bet they sent my older brother Illumi to find me because I have I high hopes for the family business. My body trembles just thinking about him.

I grab an apple, slip on my shoes, grab my skateboard and before I leave I look out the window to be cautious and after five minutes I decide to use the balcony out back (I'am on the second floor). When I get out of the apartments I head out to Hunter's Academy.


I start on my lock at my locker, 293. Shoving my skateboard in I see a slight movement in the corner of my eye, so I snap my head in that direction and that's when I see him.

Big, fat, and old

The old looking guy trots up to me, waving his short, chubby hand. "Hi, My name is Tonpa! I haven't graduated yet, because high school is fun." And making new students leave or get them expelled. Tonpa thinks to himself in a sinister way.

One word, and one word only.


Irritation brews within me, so I turn away from the annoying man, shutting my locker shut, then I walk away. If I stick around any longer, I am going to kill him.

Tonpa stands there dumbfounded while I walk away without saying anything to him.

"Uh, it was nice talking to you!" He shouts back at me but what he doesn't know is that I hear him say under his breath "I am going to make him pay."

Have fun with that... old man.

I look down at my schedule and hope that I won't meet anymore annoying people... The longing of friends creep into my mind but I quickly shove it out. I can't be friends with anyone because of my psycho family, who are in fact assassins. They would take them out... If they do, but I don't want to take any chances.

"Art class, room 2-"

Someone collides into me, knocking me down on the floor. "Oi, watch where you are going baka!" I shout while I recover quickly. I should have paid attention, this would have infuriated my dad if he saw how clumsy I was.

"Oh, sorry!" I glance over to see a teen, whose about my age with black hair and green tips. Interesting. He rubs his head and smiles apologetically. He gives out his hand for me to shake it and I do, doing my best to seem dis interested.

"My name is Gon Freecss." he says loudly.

"Killua." I say in return. He tilts his head, waiting for my last name. I let go, saying "That's it." He smiles again. "Mm, nice to meet you, Killua! I am sorry about running into you," he laughs lightly "I just got caught up in my schedule."

"It's okay, I did too."

"Well, I'll see you later, Killua!" and with that he skips off to his next class.

Too happy.

killugon: friends? lovers. 「discontinued」Where stories live. Discover now