Separation pt. 1

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Gon's pov:

When we got to Kurapika's apartment we changed into clothes that we can fight in, after that, Killua took off into the bathroom.

While I was tying my shows on, Kurapika approaches me. "Gon, I found information about the Unknown Murders." I glance up at him "Yeah?"

He clears his throat, and starts to wring his hands. What could he be so nervous about? "Well, FYI we have to leave soon since I hacked into their system."

"Okay, and?" I push him to continue by using edge in my voice. "Sorry, I had enough time to see their names and their last names are Zoldyks." I finish with my shoes, and stand up, huffing from impatience. "What is your point K?"

Kurapika leans closer to me and I don't know why he has to whisper because it's just us, and Killua. "Killua's last name is Zoldyck." He finally tells me, and I ask him for clarification, and he says it again. Killua's name echos over, and over again in my mind. I just stand there fazing out at the floor.

It makes sense now. He never said his last name, and seemed very suspicious at the apartment... Could he be setting up a trap?

I can't trust him, but I can definitely use him to get to his house...

Did he kill my dad? And that's the reason why he wouldn't tell me?

He can't be bad... Can he? We have been best friends.


"Oi Gon," Killua calls for my name from behind me, and I clench my fists. Kurapika bows his head, and walks over to his computer system to fry it because we can't leave any evidence of us being here behind or we are done for.

I pivot to face Killua and study him, but I make sure that I don't look as if I am. "Yes?" I ask him, and he smiles faintly. It almost looked sad. 'Why though? Is it becuase he knows that he will betray us? Does he want to? Is he being blackmailed? What could that smile mean?' "Ready?" he questions, and I just nod my head. "Mn, almost. When Leorio comes over we will discuss our plans."

'Should I bring up the matter now or have faith in Killua? Well, he saved me twice, but why would he take me to kill his own family? Duh baka, he despises them, but... Who are the two killers? I don't want to kill anyone innocent of the crime that has been committed years ago. But then again Killua said that he knows who they are. I should have complete faith in him.'

Killua walks in front of me but stills, listening. I stop and join him but it was too late to do anything. The last thing I heard was Killua saying "Shit." before the roof caved in on us.


I wake up to my arms tied behind my back, with the chains attached to it, melded into the wall while I sit on my knees. 'What?' I shake my head, and open my eyes, squinting in a dimly lit room. My headache doesn't miss a beat when my brain processes the idea of being awake. A groan pushes through my parted lips. I lick them, because they feel so dry and chapped. After a couple of seconds of squinting, my eyes adjust to the lighting. I sense movement off to the side, so I drag my eye sight along the room to see two figures.

My mouth drops, and my body stops shaking. "Killua?" 'What is he doing in here, next to his brother?' Blood stains his face, and clothes with some burns and cuts. Killua smirks "What is going on?" I raise my voice, feeling a vein pop out on my temple. Killua shakes his head and chuckles "Gon, Gon, Gon. I thought you were smarter than this. It was so easy to get you here."

Bile rises in my throat from his sickening facial expression. My heart just stops beating for awhile because that's what it feels like while my mind is buzzing for an answer. 'This isn't happening, this isn't happening.' I repeat the words in my head. Killua bends down to get on my level, and grins evilly. He goes in to grab my chin, but I flinch from him; by doing this, I only got punched in the face, making me still in shock.

Killua grabs my chin, and squeezes my cheeks together while he gives me a menacing glare, and I gladly return the same look, keeping my eyes on his cold ones. I then spit at his face and yell "You traitor!" My eyes blur from tears forming along my eyes, and I keep screaming at him in anger. "I trusted you, and you betrayed me!"

Killua calmly wipes his face, and laughs in mine "Baka, you really are gullible, it was all too easy!" he scoffs, and stands back up. "Let's go," Killua tells Illumi, and they walk out of the room. When the door closes, I scream in anguish and break out into a sob.

My chest hurts every time I think about Killua, and the pain intensifies with each shaky breath I intake into my raking body. The only person that I love just destroyed me with no mercy. I try so, so, so hard to suppress the oncoming memories of us together. He really did change since he left...

I eventually stop crying, and stare off into space, feeling the emptiness eating away at my heart, leaving nothing behind. I just want to sleep, that's all I want. To sleep for a long time.

Kurapika's pov:

I am alone.

I have been alone for who knows how long.

But it's not that long till I get company. The door across the stony room opens, and a teenager who is rather quite physically large enters. A smile forms upon his face; his eyes shows a hint of curiosity. "My name is-"

"Milluki Zoldyck." I finish his sentence, and his smile vanishes in an instant, and I feel the back of his hand connect with my face. "I am the one talking!" He roars in my face, but it doesn't scare me, I remain unnerve by his increase of volume. He grabs my hair, and pulls me up to get to his eye level. "What is your name?" He asks and I only remain silent.

Milluki is not satisfied with my stubbornness. He starts to seethe, and throws me to the ground. After that he starts kicking me. "You want it to be like this? Do you?!" He kicks harder at my ribs, cracking some of them. I suck in some air to hold my gasps in. Milluki tires, and stops to gulp some oxygen back into his lungs.

"I can break all of your rib cages if you don't answer. When all of them crack, then I will continue to your legs, back and arms. If you still are stubborn then I will just break your neck. So," he gets on his knees, propping on one elbow and lifts my face up again "What is your name and how did you get into our system?"

I grin at him "I just did and that is all you will get from me." His pale skin heats up quickly and before he can lay his stubby finger on me, I swiftly throw my leg over his waist and propel myself up by pushing my body off the ground while wincing from the pain in my ribs and end up sitting on his back. Quickly I throw my hang cuffs around his neck and pull upward, towards me.

He chokes and claws at the metal chains that are pressing deeply into his skin, making him weaker and weaker by the second. In no time he gives up and passes out on the floor. I get off of him panting and to my delight I spot keys around his belt. I snatch them up and eventually get the cuffs off my sore wrists. After that I unlock the door and peek outside. Once I leave this room the security will see me on their cameras and put this estate on lock down.

I will just have to wait for a guard to walk by so I can to lure him into the room and take his clothes.


yo yo !

sorry that this chapter is small fam. i just have tons of homework to do tonight so this has to remain short (at least you get something to read). but yeah, what was i going to say? oh yeah... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS EVERYONE! I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY :) OH MY I AM BLESSED TO HAVE AMAZING READERS AND FOLLOWERS, YOU GUYS MEAN SO MUCH TO ME. I WOULD LIKE TO THANK MY FOLLOWERS WHO COMMENT AND GIVE ME FEEDBACK ON MY CHAPTERS. YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH IT MEANS TO ME... okay, okay. i need to calm, heheh.

- Anastasia

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