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Killua's pov:

I didn't really do anything in fitness. In fact for the first time I skipped the class by staying in the boys locker room,and was hyperventilating because for the first time ever, I had a panic attack.

Should I be friends with Gon? Am I jeopardizing his life? I don't want an innocent person to die! What am I doing making friends?! I don't need any! Were the thoughts that ran through my head.

Normally I never get panic attacks. I have been trained to keep it all in by pushing the matter aside and have tried all my best to forget about whatever is bothering me, because an assassin who is mentally weak will die quickly because of their flaw.

The problem is that I can't push this off to the side... Or can I? I can just ignore Gon, and stay away from him so that he can be safe from my brother. I don't have to constantly worry about him. 'Yeah I like the sound of that'.

I hear multiple footsteps approach the locker door, and it slams open to boys walking in chatting about how high Bisky shorts were, and that they could see the "holy grail". I take a deep breath in, and stand up to go change out of my gym clothes. "Hey, where were you pale prick?" I roll my eyes; I forgot that Tonpa is in this class with me. "Tonpa, Tonpa. I am truly touched on how much you care for me, but! You don't need to worry about me." I tell him while I fix my gaze on my lock. Feeling the irritating blob of presence approaching me, I look over at him, and wait for what he will do next. I am not surprised over the fact that I was shoved up against the metal lockers. Sneering, I ask "Hm? you have something on your chin, oh no, I meant your other chin!" I smirk, and all of the boys in the locker room start laughing on que.


I didn't double over or choke on air when I feel Tonpa's sorry of a punch against my gut. "Hey, Tonpa, learn to punch better." I inform the purple faced loser.


Spitting out blood, I smile back at my attacker. "This is going to get boring real quick so I suggest you drop me before I whoop your fat ass." Tonpa gives me the fuck-you face so I let out a sigh. 'Don't kill him, don't kill. Making him suffer is better than killing him'. I calm myself down and let my foot fly into the side of Tonpa's neck, hitting his pressure point. It didn't hurt because all of his fat that cushions his neck. I am just glad that I used enough force to make him cry out while he fell to the ground.

"Tch." I go back to my locker, and change out of my clothes into my uniform while Tonpa lays paralyzed on the ground. All of the boys were whispering about me while I slip on my shoes. After getting dressed, I grab my binder, and leave the room.

The bell rings, and school is over now. I head to the front entrance to leave, and go home, jump into bed and sleep... But I have homework, great.

I stop all of a sudden and curse under my breath. Turning back around, I head towards my locker to retrieve my skateboard.

When I get there, there is someone standing at my locker, turning the knob. "Hey, that's mine." I raise my voice to show the guy that I am in no mood for argumentation. The teen turns to look at me, and I couldn't help but to smile, for it's lust boy standing before me.

He arches his thin eyebrow behind his round glasses. "Leorio!" Another person calls for him, and he draws his attention to the person calling him. Doing the same, I am surprised to see the boy with the red eyes come up to him. "You idiot! I said 293, not 239."

Leorio clenches his fist that has paper in it, crinkling it up. "It's not my fault that you were mumbling!"

"I was not! And you know well that I didn't, you were just too busy checking out girls." The Blondie got in the other's face.

"Yeah right! You're just jealous." Leorio defends himself by throwing his hands in the air, but his burning face says otherwise. The two boys stop, and snaps their heads in my direction. "Is this your locker?" The Blondie asks me. "Yeah," I say and the boy grabs Leorio and, drags him off. "Sorry about that, we'll be leaving."

"Kurapika, your grip is too tight!"

"Oh grow some balls and deal with it before I actually make you blind." Kurapika yells in irritation.

Chuckling I grab my skateboard after I open my locker, and take off, riding my skateboard in the drizzling rain.

'Good, I didn't see Gon.'

killugon: friends? lovers. 「discontinued」Where stories live. Discover now