No Where to Go pt. 2

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Killua's pov:

Gon walks into the shop with his hair, and clothes drenched. Smiling, he looks over at the bored expressionless cashier "All this rain came out of no where." he exclaims, and the lady just pops her gum that's in her mouth. "Yeah, sure." His smile grows, and he walks away, then it fades and the corner's of his lips pull downwards.

'Whats wrong? He seems to be always happy, and cheerful.' I knit my eyebrows together, and continue to watch him. Gon walks through the isle that I am looking in, and he runs his hand through his hair, shaking it to get some left over water out. He sighs, and slides his back against the boarded part of the shelf.

He pulls his phone out, and scrolls through it, then brings it to his ear. "Hi Mito, I will be home when the rain clears so don't be too worried about me being absent, See ya!" Then he hangs up, and lets his hand drop to his side, and he stares up at the speckled ceiling.

'I wonder what is making him feel down?'

Seeing Gon like this troubles me... But should I care? 'Yes because he is your friend! No! You don't need friends. You will only get him killed.'

I shake my head to get my conflicting thoughts out of my mind. Since I can't leave I just sit down, and wait for the down pour to cease. The bathroom door opens, and the old lady comes back out and oh man, it sure does smells, so I have to hold my breath in because she must have ate too much Asian or something. She doesn't even spare me a glance, she just keeps walking, and leaves the shop, back out into the rain. 'Well that happened.'

After what feels like an hour, I hear movement from Gon's direction. I snap my head to see him getting up. Curious, and since I am bored, I get up, and follow him out of the book shop down Elm street. Gon hits a corner, and turns left. 'What time is it? It's really dark out.' I say in disbelief while having a hard time to accept the fact that it's dark this fast. 'Probably because it's cloudy.'

We get to a house after a few minutes by the entrance of a neighborhood called Emperor Sea. I hide behind a bush, and watch Gon go in after picking up a key from under the mat. 'How original' I say sarcastically to myself. I jump over his fence, and in just a few seconds he opens his bedroom door, and doesn't even bother to turn on the lights. He flops on his bed, and does the exact same thing he did in the book shop. He sits, and stares at the ceiling.

Gon stays like that for quite sometime, and then his body starts to shake and you can clearly tell that he is crying. Feeling awkward of the situation, I stand up, and walk towards the fence to jump over it, but my foot slides and I smack my face against the hard wood. "Shit!" I cry out, and grab my nose. It doesn't hurt, but the fact that I made the loudest sound in my life mad me swear out of frustration. Warm blood gushes down my nose, and greets my cold shivering hands.

I freeze when I hear a tap on the window behind me, and I turn around smiling with tight lips. There he is, standing at his bedroom window, staring at me with confusion all over his face as to why the hell am I in his backyard. I wave my hand while holding my nose with my other one, and he opens the window. "Killua?"

"Yo-o-o," I feel my face turning bright red which is terrible because I have a pale face. 'What is he going to think? That I am a perv?' "U-uh... I was playing with my yo-yo, and I tried a new trick, but it flew out of my hand and went into a random yard. But not just any random yard anymore!" I lie.

He bursts out laughing, and all of my worries fade away, and I can't  help, but to chuckle with him.

Seeing him to smile again makes me feel better.

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