{1} Bad dream (Edited)

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Okay! This story is in MAYJOR editing! I know the chapters are like SUPER short, that should hopefully change, don't worry! If you've decided to read this then I hope you enoy my fanfic! Please don't let the shortness of the chapters put you off,  I'm going to put 'Edited' in the title of every chapter so you know which ones have been edited and which ones haven't :D Thanks!

Molly! xx

I placed my bare feet onto the soft bright green grass in front of me. I  peered down and noticed the blades of grasssticking up between my toes. The sun was shining and beamed down warmly on my face, I tilted my head back soaking in the beautiful light. As I walked along the grass I noticed all kinds of wonderous colours making up the nature I was whitnessing; flowers, trees, birds, and a fountain that gave the venue a paradise effect. It was beautiful. Breath taking. I stretched out my arm as if to poke a hole through the sun beams and caught a butterfly on my index finger. Its features were just mezmerising. Pinks, blues and purples spread across the symmetrical wings. I moved my wrist to the side so I could examine the butterfly. What a creature, delicate and beautiful. It flew away into the sky as my eyes followed it. Suddenly my gaze froze on something else, something more beautiful than anything else I'd set my eyes upon. A massive smile spread across my face as I spotted him. Damon. The one I loved.

"Damon." I said pleased to see him. Even though it was boiling he still managed to have his stylish black leather jacket on top of all his other black clothing. I ran over to him, the grass thick against my feet and placed my hands on his chest and slowly making my way up to his neck, wrapping them around him. I looked deep into his ice blue eyes. He smiled back at me, his perfect teeth gleaming and getting caught up in the sunlight. His eyes were even more blue when he was outside, his pupils small, letting the icy blue color take full toll of his eyes as they flooded into mine. He was so perfect, how could I have someone this perfect? I didn't dare to take that question any further, I didn't want to.

I closed my chocolate coloured eyes and breathed in deeply, the cold air harsh against my nostrils.

"I'm so happy you are here." I told him, smiling. As I opened my eyes and gazed at him I realised his whole face had changed. His blue eyes were now a leafy green, his dark hair was now a soft light brown, matted and styled upwards, but his smile was still as perfect. But mine was wiped completely off my face. Stefan.

"What's the matter Elena?" He asked me, tilting his head to one side, amused at my shocked expression. "Not who you wanted to see?"

"I-I-I.." Was all I could get out of my mouth. My hands instantly drew away from his neck, I placed them on either side my tiny body. I turned around and scanned the area, where had Damon gone? Why had he left me with Stefan? But Stefan was still there. I turned again, and again, and again. Everywhere I turned he was there. What was going on? Confusion swept through me as my eyes widened.

"Why did you do it? Why did you choose him?" He questioned me, over and over again. I fell to the floor, placing my hands over my ears, bringing my knees up to my chest. Stefan's voice echoed and boomed through my ears, shocking me to my eardrums. But he kept repeating himself, asking me why I chose Damon. "He's nothing special, Elena!"

"He is to me!" I yelped helplessly, wipping my arms away from my head. I narrowed my eyes at him. Stefan laughed and shook his head, he was finding my fear so amusing.

"Please. That's pathetic, Elena. Tell me, why did you choose him?!" Stefan yelled, grabbing my shoulders firmly and dragging me to my feet.

"Because I love him!" I screamed in his face. Stefan's expression turned from amusement to pure anger. He raised a fist at me, I clenched my eyes shut and resisted his firm grip on my arms, bringing them to defend my face. Nothing. Everything went quiet. When I opened my eyes, he was gone. Stefan was gone. It was over.

I turned around and continued to look for Damon, heading back to where I came from. But everything was dull and dark. The trees were leafless and lifeless, the grass was a grey-brown color, the birds were gone, the fountain oozing blood. Paradise was now darkness. I panicked turning back, Stefan was there. Dark veins spread under his eyes and he parted his mouth, baring his fangs to me.

I shook my head, Stefan was walking closer to me. I turned and ran to the tiny door way I saw in the distance, but before I could get any further he grabbed me round the waist and pulled me backwards, sinking his fangs into my neck. I screamed and tried to whack him but he didn't care.

"STEFAN!" I screamed, gasping for air. I didn't know what to do. I screamed even louder and cried out for help. My eyes rolled upwards and I fell lifeless in Stefan's grip. Dead.




I gasped and sat upright in my bed, blinking several times to gain my consiousness. I ran my fingers through my long brunette hair, finally managing to catch my breath.

"Just a dream, just a dream..." I muttered to myself, rocking back and forth slowly, moving the bed slightly.

I glanced over to the other side of the bed and saw Damon lying next to me, sound asleep, a faint little breathing noise escaping his perfect lips. He was perfect, and I felt safer with him lying there. A smile spread across my face. I layed back down onto the bed, gazing at him before trying to fall asleep. It didn't work at first, but then I managed to focus on Damon's light breathing, matching his to mine. Eventually, my eyes fell heavy and I fell asleep.

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