{6} Thoughts

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  • Dedicated to Ashleigh Maynard

I don't know how deep I actually went into the woods, but I certainly couldn't hear that cheerful, uplifting tune the birds were singing anymore. I ran my fingers through my short brown hair and sighed, I knew I had to get the Salvatore brothers out of town. I just didn't know how to do it. Many ideas had passed through my mind on my way to the woods but they wer en't good enough. They were certainly dooable, just too easy. I wanted a creative plan that Klaus would admire and add to his little book of ideas. I grimaced at that thought, Klaus, Klaus the undefeat able unpredictable bad guy, following my footsteps.

What about Caroline? She sure had a big mouth, if I mentioned a few things to her she was bound to tell Stefan. Hey, maybe I could even punish her for ruining my original plan. No... No... Klaus had claimed the blond as 'out of bounds' territory. I couldn't hurt her. In fact, another part of the deal was that I put in some good words about Klaus to Jeremy Gilbert.

Hmm... I kept thinking. And thinking. And thinking. That was when it hit me, my perfect, absoloute, one hundred percent, awesome plan. I was to start with Caroline.

Elena's P.O.V

I have to admit, I was rather proud of myself. Even though my plan to reunite the brothers didn't go smoothly, it was sure as hell successful. For the past few days since Stefan decided to stay in town they had been inseperable. Like one of those celebrity power couples that everyone looks up to. Apart from... Well you know, they were brothers, not lovers.

I had hardly spoken to either of them since, which kinda upset me but I had Bonnie and Caroline. They could go off and do their brother bonding while I caught up with my two best friends.

"Elena!" Caroline snapped.

"Huh?" I asked. "Oh, sorry. Day dreaming..."

"You should be sorry! We are trying to plan a school dance, we are already late enough as it is without you going off to wonderland!" She screeched.

"Sorry, I'll try and stop." I mumbled.

"Good. Because if you dont I swear to god-" Caroline started to say.

"Caroline, Elena gets it. Come on, let's get to work." Bonnie thankfully cut in before Caroline entered the badass vampire threatening mode.

"Okay, so we have two weeks to plan an awesome dance. An outrageous, yet stylish theme that everyone will remember for the right reasons." Caroline smiled.

"How about... 1980's?" Bonnie suggested.

"Ugh, no. We did that last year. I do not want a repeat of Mrs Halloway in a bright pink tutu and leg warmers." Caroline shivered.

"Any ideas Elena?" Bonnie asked, ripping a piece off of her muffin. "Elena?" She ask again after I didn't reply.

"God! Elena!" Caroline shouted. She waved a perfectly manicured hand infront of my face.

"Oh..." I replied, coming back to realisation.

"What is up with you today?" Bonnie asked me.

"I guess, I'm just a little tired. Me and Jer had a late movie night." I admitted, yawning into my palm.

"Sorry if I've sounded like a control freak, I just want to get this dance planning over with. It's so stressful! Elena, you really need to stop going off to wonderland every five minutes! Now help us pick a theme!" Caroline replied.

"How about... Wonderland? You've been mentioning enough I'm surprised you didn't think of it yourself." I said, raising an eyebrow at her.

I've never seen Caroline open her mouth so wide, or anyone for that matter. Her hands started to move up and down wacking the table lightly as she screeched.

"Perfect! We can all chip in easily, it's wacky, it's fun and people are sure as hell going to remember the Mad Hatter and a tea party!" She exclaimed. "Now, where should we have it? The gym or the hall?"

"Both!" Bonnie replied.

"The bigger the better!" Caroline screeched.

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