Chapter 3: Fun and Games

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[a/n: This is a few months after Amara went with Jack, okay guys? Just to avoid confusion about the timeline.. :) ]




'I will really kill whoever is behind that door!' I thought angrily and ran to the doors and opened it immediately.

"WHAT?!!?" I yelled. To my surprise, two frightened pirate stood before me. One tall, skinny guy and a fat guy beside him. What was their names again? ' Oh well, I guess the execution could be postponed, for now..'

"Sorry miss, but the cap'n wants to see you." the skinny one said.

"That's not a very nice way to wake a sleeping lady, you idiots!!" I yelled at them.

"We're sorry miss." and they bowed their heads.

"Whatever." I said and waved my hand.

"Tell your captain I'll be right there in a minute." I said and dismissed them.

"Yes, miss." they answered and walked away immediately.

'Now what's gotten in the head of that Sparrow that he wants me right in this bloody hour?! It's still 3 am for pete's sake!' I thought while fidgeting to get dressed properly. But honestly, I don't wanna get out of bed yet! I wanna sleep!


A loud thud sounded when I slammed back to my bed. Tsk, I don't care if Sparrow gets angry.

"Now now love, that's not a very graceful move for an official at Royal Navy eh?" Jack said with a teasing and challenging tone which made my eyes roll again.

"Go away Sparrow! I don't wanna deal with you right now!!" I shoed him away, but unfortunately that didn't work.

"Why is that darling?" he teased again.

"I wanna sleep!" I replied.

"Now that's a very childish reason isn't it dear?" he asked, and I can feel he's smirking right now.

"So what?! Just go away Sparrow! If I were you I don't wanna disturb me in my sleep, you will regret it later I swear." I warned him.

The room got quite for awhile so I assumed that Sparrow left already.

"AGGHHHH!!! SPARROW YOU IDIOT!!! LET ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!!!!" I yelled very, very loud.

"Shut up love, you'll gonna wake the whole crew." he said and covered my mouth with his hand.

"I shbear iff I gwet abway I'll kill you!!" I mumbled with gritted teeth.

"Yeah you can do that later luv, if you can promise you will stop screaming." he said and put me down-my back facing him-without removing his hand.

I stopped immediately. Now what does he mean by that?

"Good. That's settled then." he said and released me uncovering my mouth as well.

"What do you mean??" I asked, clearly confused.

"I just wanna have fun love, that's all!" he said.

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