Chapter 14

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The moment Jack saw the HMS Dauntless on fire, he immediately looked for Amara. He knows she's hurting right now. And he knew the Commodore was-and probably still is-special to Amara. And seeing him dead, he know she would be devastated. He don't know why though, but he don't want her hurt, nor in pain.

"Bloody pirates, get out of my way!" he swaggered as he fought two of the crew of the Lost Man.

"They're bloody disgusting!" he thought, as he eyed the two pirates warily. They're wearing torn clothes and they looked like they've haven't slept in months, and wet...very wet.

"You will die Sparrow, right here, right now.." one pirate said.

"Really now? Too bad death is afraid of me.. Ha!!" he said with a smirk and with one final blow he knocked the two pirates out. Unfortunately more are coming.

"Honestly, will they never get tired of fighting?" he thought and fought all the pirates blocking his way on finding Amara.

And finally! She spotted Amara talking with Elizabeth, and from where he's standing he could clearly see the tears running down her face. Jack panicked when he saw Amara grabbed a rope. And he panicked even more when he kind of heared Elizabeth's frantic screaming, like she's convincing Amara something. He hurried his footsteps, afraid that something bad might happened. And he was right! Amara was preparing to swing over the Lost Man's ship.

"So, I guess.. This is all I can do for him. I guess my life is enough to repay eveything he has done for me." was all Jack heared before she jumped and landed on the enemy's ship.

"Amaraaa!!!!" he yelled. But it looks like she didn't hear him, she continued running, battling with every pirate she encountered.

And Jack became busy with the pirates around him, he forgot about Amara for a little bit. But what caught him off guard, was when he saw her, standing right in front of him.

"It can't be.." he thought dreadfully.

"I left her on that island."

"Surprised Jack?" the woman asked teasingly.

"Very much, sweetheart." and no matter how much he wants to follow Amara right now, he can't. So he decided to just play along.

"I can't help but wonder luv, how did you get off that island?" he asked.

"Oh you wouldn't believe it Jack.. But my father rescued me.." she replied and started advancing towards Jack.

"Oh... So you finally get over that fantasy of yours that Blackbeard was your father then? Good for you." he said and smiled.

"Oh no Jack. This is the part you won't believe. Blackbeard IS my father, he rescued me from that miserable island. Two days after you left!" she spat, as if remembering something awful happened.

"Nice try Angelica! Looks like you're way of thinking have finally gone into a pot!" Jack exclaimed and started circling around her. Yes, it was Angelica he was speaking to, his first love.

"Because you haven't seen him! That Blackbeard we saw who died wasn't actually him! It was his twin brother! And--"

"Now you're telling me that Blackbeard has a brother? You really should get that mind of yours check love!" he exclaimed, interupting her.

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