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I know it's a bit late to put this, but I wanted to. So here it is..


Brave, courageous, smart, strict, with strong heart and mind.. That's Amara Collins for you, the captain of the HMS Dauntless and head of the Royal Navy.

Her life is so complicated and mysterious. No one knew her very well, except for a fact that she is an orphan and once lived in the streets. Besides that, they know nothing about her, nor where does she really came from.

When she arrived at the Royal Navy, she was, let's say understimated. For she is a girl and she wants to be part of the military. But when she was given a chance to prove herself, she grabbed it and look what she is now; Captain and head of the Royal Navy.

She thought her life was already perfect, but little did she know, it has just begun!

Many men tried to woo her but no one succeds, none but one. The guy who we thought died, the man who gave her a chance to prove herself that she can do what a man can do.

James Norrington

But when the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow invaded her privacy and life, her mind was stirred. The LOVE she thought that was real, isn't really real.

And when the time she was heart broken, she find the comfort and company in the ship of none other than Captain Jack Sparrow.

After days of being together Jack and Amara knew each other and grew comfortable with each other's company.. Adventure and Romance fills the air, will they recognize it?

And what if, someone from her past return?

What will she do?

Follow Amara Collins' adventure with the infamous Jack Sparrow..


Sorry guys if I posted this late, hehe.. I wrote it a month ago actually, but I forgot to post it. Blame my forgetfulness people, hehe.. ^__^

[For first time readers, don't get confused, it's just that when I first wrote this book, it didn't have Prologue back then. So that's why I said, sorry if I posted it late..]

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