Chapter 4: A Part of Her Past

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Amara's POV

"Is that how you greet an old friend Will?" I said sadly, well, I guess I can't hide my identity anymore. I turned around and gazed at Will longingly.

"A...alliyah?" he said stuttering. I can't blame him if he was shocked, it was a long time ago since we last saw each other. Not to mention we were still kids back then. I notice Jack kept on switching glances from me to Will. Maybe he was shocked too.

"Yes Will it's me. It has been a long time hasn't it?" I replied, still having a sad expression. I can't help it, I've missed him so much..

"Yeah. It really has been a long time." he said with the same sad expression.

"Jack?" he spoke to Jack without tearing his gaze from me.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"Can you leave us for a minute?" he asked.

"Of course." said Jack, and left us alone.

"What are you doing here? You're not a pirate are you?" Will asked and joined me near the railing.

"Of course not!" I replied quickly.

"Then what are you doing here?" he asked again.

"Alright." I sighed.

"I'm part of the Royal Navy okay? It was actually me who was with Elizabeth the day you returned on land." I started and his eyes widened in shock.

"But don't worry I won't arrest any of you." I reassured him, he just nodded.

"I just want to get away, I want to be free. I want to sail the world without obeying someone's orders." I explained.

"And.. I also wanted to get away from one particular person in there." I added.

"Ohhh.." he managed to say after a long silence.

"How did you get here though? And what are you doing here? If you haven't notice, it is a pirate ship." he said emphasizing the word pirate.

I just sighed.

"I know. But I don't have a choice. I have nowhere to go." I replied.

"But won't the rest of the Royal Navy be looking for you right now?" he asked worriedly.

"I don't know, maybe not. They might not even notice that I'm gone. I mean of course they will, but James is there they won't fret." I replied and looked at the ocean below me.

"If you say so." he said and shook his head in defeat.

"And how did you get here by the way? He is still a pirate. If you know who I mean?" he added later on.

"Persuasion." I replied.

"Friendly?" he asked warily.

"Uhh.. A bit?" I replied uncertainly, which made him look at me clearly unsatisfied with my answer.

"Oh come on now William! That doesn't matter now, at least I'm safe right?" I said trying to drop the subject.

"May I ask you something?" he asked.

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