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Laughing, I ducked into a crowd, going unnoticed by everyone who passed by. I decided to keep my spell up for a bit longer, just long enough to give them a brush with death and an opportunity for me to reinforce that damn cloaking spell. What? I am quite literally the most powerful thing on earth - the witches should know better than to fuck with me like that.

But, I am a woman of mercy. Also the fact that killing a very respected and powerful coven of witches wouldn't exactly help my case. But what can they do about a small little aneurysm? They sure as hell don't mind giving them out to anyone else.

After a bit of walking I was safe in the confinement of my lovely, but temporary, apartment. And as suspected, I heavily safe guarded the crap out of it. No one could detect my magic or magic of any kind, no one but me could perform magic, all spells on me were blocked, and of course, added a hex to whomever steps foot in here without permission. Finally i could put a good use into learning the spell to turn people into frogs. Because what good is magic at all if you can't perform some of the classics?

Sighing, I plopped down on my couch in a tired heap. I don't know how the people in books and movies do this - it's bloody exhasting. That was why I decided to take a lovely little bubble bath.

Snapping my fingers, I smirked as I heard the water start to flow out of the faucet. Wiggling my nose from side to side, I imagined the bubble solution getting poured into the tub. I then clicked my tongue lightly and suddenly music was playing throughout my apartment softly. Magic is honestly so fuckin' useful sometimes. I really don't know how humans live without it.

But my blood suddenly ran ice cold as I felt someone's presence at my door.

"You know," I spoke loudly, ensuring that they could hear me. "You step one fucking foot a centimeter over that threshold, you're quite literally going to be turned into a frog. And I don't believe anyone with a brain will want to kiss the presumedly charming, intruding prince any time soon."

"Actually, unless you invite me in, I'm not exactly allowed to do so."

My brow creased for a second before I rolled my eyes.

"Remind me to thank the one who established that rule in the afterlife before you try and kill me."

"I'm not hear to hurt you, Ophelia." The man spoke again. "I'm actually here to-"

I groaned and opened the door, revealing a suave looking man with a bit of a 5 o'clock shadow. He was handsome to say the least, but unfortunately, I knew exactly who he was. Marcel Gerard.

He was shocked by my appearance, but quickly covered it up with a smirk. Leaning on my doorway, he even had the audacity to let out a laugh. Raising an eyebrow, I gave him the look.

"Damn girl!" He cheered, still keeping his smirk. "They sure know how to make them in the witch-y world, don't they?"

Without a word, I glared and let the door way suddenly heat up, making him jump off of it quickly.

"Ah!" He hissed, clutching his hand and looking at me in disbelief. "So what the word on the street said was true..."

"And that being?"

"That you are a fiery one."

I rolled my eyes and made a move to shut my door, but the man had other ideas.

"I saw what you did back there!" He said quickly.

Cautiously, I opened the door again and looked into his sharp brown eyes.

"What do you want from me?" I asked. "I've got the whole damn witch population after my head, and I'm sure they would maybe be a bit more welcoming toward me if I took down the infamous 'King of the Quarter'. They aren't too happy with you, you know."

"Well what's stopping you then?"

"The same reason I could kill you."

He smirked again before looking me up and down.

"I've come here to offer you a deal-"

"How scandalous."

"-Your safety and protection for your... services."

I let out a loud laugh, finding his proposition ridiculous.

"Have you seen this place?!" I cackled. "No one gets in our out unless I say so. It is literally the safest place I could possibly be at the moment. What makes you think that a few of your puny vampires can help me more than I am already helping myself?"

"Well, for starters," He began. "I can make sure that the witches in the quarter don't even attempt to come after you. I run this town, they follow my rules. If they don't... Well, they know the consequences.

Look, I know you're literally the Queen of the Witches, but come on, Ophelia. I'm the best shot you've got right now. Nothing gets by around here without me knowing about it. I am offering you the best option you have right now. Guaranteed safety."

I chuckled softly before meeting his gaze again.

"With all the witches in the world after me? I'll never be safe."

"I swear to you, that not a single witch will even come within twenty feet of you. I will get you anything you need, just give me the word and I'll handle it. All I need is for you to say yes, Ophelia."

I thought it over for a while before realizing that he is right. I had heard of what he had done to the covens before - keeping them in check. Hell, if they were even caught doing magic they'd be killed instantly. And if I were his personal witch, I'd get all the practice I needed to be at my full potential. So, I did as one would suspect.


Marcel smiled victoriously and I returned a cynical one, making him rethink his decision for a second. I then made another move to shut my door, but once again, I was stopped.

"But if I find out you have double crossed me, Ophelia, I will not hesitate to hand you over to them myself. Do I make myself clear?"

Smirking, I drank in his threat of my demise.

"Crystal. Goodnight, Marcel." I said innocently. "I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow when you're lurking about?"

Marcel looked shocked at my abruptness, but quickly recovered.

"See you then."

This should be entertaining.

sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now