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"What the hell?" I muttered, tiredly getting up to answer the knocking at my door. "Whatever jerk is knocking at my door, this better be important, because I-"

"Ophelia, it's me, Elijah," the muffled voice spoke. "I implore you to open up the door, darling."

"And I implore you to remove that shoved foot up your- Elijah! My favourite, dashing, ruggedly handsome, wonderful original!"

He rolled his eyes and came in, shaking his head at me, as per usual.

"Have you been sleeping this whole time?" He asked me, taking in my appearance of a tank top and pajama shorts.

"Now, now, Eli, all witch queens need their beauty sleep!" I said brightly.

"But of course," Elijah said with yet another roll of his eyes, pulling me out of my thoughts about the dream. "Now, shall we get started? Or should we wait until after you are dressed?"

"Oh, but of course," I mimicked, wiggling my butt a little bit and thus getting me ready within an instant. "There we go. Now, Eli, lay it on me."

And that he did. Over the next week, he had ended up teaching me what must have been 1000+ spells when he came over to my place during the days. And let me tell you, it was not easy.

"Ophelia!" He scolded. "Actually do the spell, don't just use what magic you already have!"

"But my way is easier!" I whined.

"Well no one ever said spells were easy."

"I did! Just now!"

"Well you cheat, so I can't give you that one."

"It's not cheating if I have the knowledge and the know-how already."


"Do the spell, I know!"

But after a while, we had eventually gotten all of what he deemed 'simple' spells out of the way. I now know pointless information in a dead language for things that I could already do with my mind. Thanks, Eli.

"I'm pooped." I asked tiredly, leaning my head on his shoulder, resulting in him stiffening. "...You don't get much physical contact, do you?"

"I'm an Original, Ophelia."

"So? Is there a rule against contact if you're an Original?"

"No, it's just that a lot of people are scared to even be in our presence, and we don't have many friends."

"But you have siblings, don't you?"

"...It's complicated."

I sighed and stood up, pulling him up with me.

"Well we're gonna do some top notch napping and cuddling." I declared. "You know how to cuddle, don't you?"

"Ophelia, I don't-"

"Look, Elijah," I interrupted sternly. "You dragged my ass into a twelve hour study session each day for a week against my will. You can survive a two hour nap."

He sighed and reluctantly gave in, knowing that he didn't have a choice in the matter anyways.

"Besides," I added. "Studies show that people who nap together sooner into their relationship, what ever that may be, establish a true trust for each other sooner than people who don't nap together... And with all due respect you look tired and I only have one bed, so sucks for you, nerd. We're napping."

And with that I pulled him into my room, changed back into my pajamas, and hopped in bed, a reluctant vampire following in suit.

"Come on, my love," I giggled, grasping his hand. "The whole universe awaits."

"Your universe might, but right now I'm holding my universe's hand."

I blushed at his comment and allowed him to plant a soft kiss upon my lips, igniting a sea of emotions within.

"I will never get over the taste that your lips allow, my love." I said wistfully. "Never in a million years."

"And I shall never forget the color of your eyes, my darling." He responded lovingly, wrapping his arms around my waist. "This moment is the first serenity we've had in what feels like ages."

"And it's all worth it, no?"

"Please, my sweet Ophelia," he chuckled, resting his forehead on mine once again. "I would wait a thousand years just to have it all over again."

And he sealed the promise with a kiss.

"Ophelia!" I distant voice called, shaking me. "Ophelia, wake up!"

Gasping, I shot up, clutching my head in agony.

"Ophelia, please," Elijah said, flashing in front of me. "Ophelia, look at me! Look at me!"

I tried to stop my tears from flowing out of my eyes and the pounding ache in my head, but they wouldn't. It was like I couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried.

"It hurts," I sobbed. "It hurts so much..."

"What hurts, Ophelia?" He asked. "Please, tell me, what is it? What happened?"

"My heart!" I choked out. "Who is he?!"

"Who is who, Ophelia?!" He asked urgently, clutching my face with his large hands. "What are you talking about?!"

"I-I don't know!" I cried, shaking my head. "I k-keep having these dreams, and they're so real and- and-"

Elijah cut me off with a hug, keeping my body from shaking.

"Who is he?" I whispered through the pain that was just beginning to subside.

"I don't know, Ophelia." Elijah said quietly. "...Let me give you a dream. It would help you sleep. We'll talk about it when you wake next."

I nodded and let him lay me back down and put his fingers on my temples.

"Go to sleep, Ophelia." He said quietly. "Just open up your mind to me, and everything will be okay."

And before I knew it, I was asleep once again.

sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now