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n// this is unedited guys i just really couldn't wait to get it out i've been waiting for this chapter to roll around omg i hope you guys enjoy and be sure to vote/comment!!! love you!!!!!!!!

Sitting up, I crossed my legs and positioned myself that we were face to face, trying to suppress the awkward giggle that was bubbling in my stomach out of nervousness. Klaus, on the other hand, looked scared shitless.

"So," I began, letting a little smirk appear on my face. "Let's get one thing straight, Klaus. If this shit works, and she's taking over my body, absolutely no ― under any circumstances ― sex. I'm serious about this. I don't give a shit how long it's been since you've seen her, or what signals she's giving, you are not having sex with my possessed-ass body. Pretty sure that's illegal, and if you do, I will do what the witches want me to and wipe your ass out, got it? Good. Now that that is settled, you're like, a million, or something. What do you know about possessions?"

"Little to none of this sort, unfortunately." He spoke anxiously, rolling his eyes at my rule. "You're the one that's being possessed. What do you know about my Ophelia?"

"First of all, I love how you refer to her as 'your' Ophelia when I'm right here. What do you refer to me as? Her better looking counterpart?"

Klaus rolled his eyes at me again, but I could tell that he was the slightest bit eased at my playful banter. It took a little bit of the edge off of the situation.

"Answer my question, please."

"Fine." I groaned, rolling my eyes right back at him. "She comes out when my life is in danger, usually. But I don't know about you but I don't really want to be pinned to a wall and choked out. Well, not in this circumstance, anyways."

"Your vulgarity never ceases to amaze me."

"What? You were thinking it too, don't lie!"

"Fine. Then what do you propose we do?"

"I don't know, you're the one that knows her inside and out, not me. Try talking to her, or something. God, Klaus, it's like you don't even―"

"Norway, 1520." He interrupted boldly, staring deep into my dark brown eyes. "You'd told me that you wanted to see where I came from where my roots were. I'd told you that it was ridiculous, and that there was nothing for me there anymore, and that all my roots had been torn out. You didn't believe me, saying that roots that were as deep as mine would never be forgotten or dug up."

And as if his words were some sort of trigger, I felt the familiarity of my body losing control take over slowly.

"Keep going." I murmured, knowing that it was going to take a little more than that to coax her out of my subconscious.

"So I took you there, back to the Old World." He proceeded with slightly widened eyes, observing me carefully. "Of course, you stuck out like a sore thumb, but you didn't mind. You knew that it was only because you were an outsider. Some people even thought that you were one of the Gods ― Hel, to be exact ― reborn on Midgard. I knew that you just weren't affected by the thoughts of others. You were strong in that way. Still are."

The feeling kept growing at an agonizing pace, with every word he spoke, actually.

"I showed you where I grew up, where I would play, where I would worship, all of that. Then, I showed you the beach, where we spent the entire time in the water. In fact, people came out just to watch us. But once again, you paid them no mind, letting them watch as we had our fun. After that, we laid in the sand next to a fire, and I taught you about the gods, as you taught me about the stars. Truth be told, I already knew everything you were telling me. But you were so happy, I was more than willing to learn again."

sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now