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n// this is the last chapter of "sweet ophelia".

this story has been one of the most challenging, fun, wild, and overall one of the best experiences in my time here on wattpad, and you can bet your ass that i'm emotional even thinking about this ending.

i know that i am not the best author, and i am sorry for not updating this for as long as i did. but this last chapter has been one of the hardest things i have ever had to write, and i wanted to make sure that you all got the chapter that you deserved. because truth be told, i could have made this last a while longer, but sometimes you have to sacrifice length for the quality. and lord knows how you guys deserve only the best.

there will be an epilogue, which i will post shortly after this, and i just hope that it lives up to all of your expectations. but until then, goodbye, and i hope that you enjoy!

thank you for allowing me to tell ophelia's story, and thank you all for your never ending abundance of support and love.

love you forever,

-finnmikaelson 🖤

As soon as the news slipped past Davina's lips, I snapped my fingers, putting a little muting spell over the room so no one outside could hear us as we spoke. Something I should have done a lot earlier. But hey, better late than never, right?

"Who's Esther?" Davina asked, confused by all of the reactions in the room.

"Their mother..." I said quietly, deep in thought.

Everything just got a lot more complicated, not to mention a lot harder. We weren't just dealing with Marcel and his little army of assholes anymore — we were dealing with the almighty. The original witch. The woman that made the Mikaelson family into what they are today.

Any morale that I may have had was now gone. Vanquished. Nothing but a mere shadow or glimmer of what could have been.

Noticing this, Klaus stepped in.

Damn how well he knew me.

"Esther is nothing but another seemingly eternal thorn in my side who can't ever seem to just stay dead." He said angrily to Davina, stepping toward me and holding my hand supportively. "We've vanquished her time and time again and this will be no different, do you understand me?"

But we all knew that the last part wasn't directed at her. It was toward me, who probably looked as if I was going to faint at any moment. Which, in all honesty, I probably was.

"Ophelia, do you understand me?" Klaus asked, lifting my chin up with his finger and looking into my eyes. "She isn't going to harm you, nor any of us. The plan doesn't change, okay? We'll split up and handle it. Kol goes west, Elijah east, Davina south, myself north, and you in the middle. We'll cover enough ground that way, and we'll be fine."



Looking into his eyes, I couldn't help but to place a soft kiss on his plump lips. What? If I'm going to die, might as well squeeze in as much sugar with Klaus as I could, right?

sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now