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n// u guys r gonna hate me after this lmfaooooo

"When are you going to stop ignoring me, little witch?" A voice asked from the corner as soon as I teleported onto my bed, flopping down on my mattress.

"Jesus!" I gasped, clutching my chest in fear as little sparks of magic danced from my fingertips.

Looking toward the source of my fear, I was met with a brooding Klaus Mikaelson, hiding in the shadows of my room.

"Way to be a creep, Klaus." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't call me that." He frowned.

To be honest, he looked like a child. A big, bad, murderous child.

"What should I call you then?"

He frowned even more at the sarcasm in my voice, but answered nonetheless.

"Anything but that. You never call me that." He stated. "But you didn't answer my question. When are you going to stop avoiding me?"

"When I want to. How's that for an answer?"

"Not what I was hoping for, if I'm being honest."

"Well maybe you shouldn't go around, kissing people if you don't want to be avoided."

At this, Klaus was silent, proving me that I was right. I was angry at him for doing it. I was angry that I was liking it. I was angry at the fact that I couldn't even think about Dylan when he was two feet away from me at work without the thought of Klaus Mikaelson intruding my subconscious. I was just angry.

"You knew that I have Dylan. You knew that things were going well between us. You knew that I was happy with that little magic loving nerd and yet you kiss me anyways!" I yelled, letting my emotions take over. "Why did you do it, Klaus?! Why did you have to do it?!"

"I... I don't know." He mumbled.

That pissed me off even more.

"Yes you do!" I shouted. "Yes you freaking do! You want to know why? Because you're Klaus Mikaelson, and you know everything. You've been around for a thousand years, and you have always known what you wanted. Whether it be murder or love or lust or light or loneliness or family — you always know what you want in life.You're a bloody king for a reason, and it's because you're a man who knows. So don't you dare try and tell me that you don't know. You know everything."

He was silent once more, now probably regretting ever coming to my apartment in the first place. And since I knew that he probably wasn't going to give me an answer, I decided to spill the truth I knew for myself.

"You don't love me," I croaked out, tears welling up in my dark eyes. "You don't love me at all."

"Yes I do, Ophelia!"

"No, you love her!"

At my shrill cry, my windows had broken, sending shards of glass all over my room. But I didn't care. I just kept going.

"You don't love me, Klaus, you're just falling under her spell," I cried, hiccuping for air. "That's the whole purpose of why I'm here, right? So that you can fall in love with me and she gets what she wants? So that we can all be together forever?"

sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now