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n// yoyoyo sorry for the wait!! did u guys see the new cover though?? pretty sweet, eh? anyways, i'm gonna indulge in a little shameless self-promo here...

i recently published a lil somethin for the enjoyment of myself and others called "little mikaelson" which is basically a very fluffy story about klaus and his baby daughter that i came up with after a friend of mine said that she loved klaus' relationship with hope but hated hayley and there u go!!!!!! so if you wanna check that out the link is here:


anyways, here's another chapter and i hope you enjoy! be sure to vote/comment :) <3

"What?" I asked, playing dumb to as why they were all staring at me in such a manner. "Can't I pop 'round to play, too?"

The witches of the quarter remained silent, prompting my suspicions of their shady ass actions.

"Speaking of which," I continued, beginning to step around in a little circle, looking at all of them with a little bit of fire in my eyes. "What game are we playing here, exactly? One would hope it isn't hide and seek, because if so... Well, you should all know that hiding in groups isn't the best idea."

The witches were silent once again, all frozen with what was either fear or animosity.

"Well, despite my love of reindeer games every once and a while, I'm here on business." I said with a little shrug, sighing lightly. "A little birdie told me that a dear friend of mine was targeted and attacked just a few hours ago. Care to fill me in?"

Once again, I was met with a strong silence. Now they were just being difficult, and my job was already pretty fucking hard. Case in point, and the fact that I'm not even getting paid a dime in return. All I get are free death threats and an abundance of free hatred, which doesn't exactly pay the bills. Which is why I may have had a certain best friend/wannabe sugar daddy of mine compel a certain asshole landlord of mine never to have me pay rent again. I will always be thankful for the powers of the vampire race.

"Now you guys are just pissing me off." I said with attitude, placing my hands on my hips. "Come on, we're all friends here! Just tell me who did what to Klaus MIkaelson and where they are, and this can all be over! It's easy, really."

"Klaus Mikaelson needs to be stopped." A brave witch spoke up strongly.

"Says who?"

"Says the thousands that he alone has killed, and the ancestors that you ignore oh-so-ignorantly."

At her words, my mood officially turned sour.

"First of all, I doubt that the dead care all that much, seeing as they're, well, dead." I began, staring the witch right in her green eyes. "And secondly, I do not ignore the ancestors, we simply just don't have the best relationship, if any relationship at all. You know, seeing as they're constantly plotting toward my demise and all. And lastly, as a person that has had people trying to kill her since she was fresh out of high school, I can tell you that it fucking sucks. So ease up on Nikky-Boy. We all make mistakes sometimes."

"And what of the witches that tried to take him down?" Another witch piped up, this time an elder woman with graying hair and squinting eyes. "Will their actions be pardoned as 'mistakes'?"

sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now