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n// im back sluts this is officially back and off hold also bow down to the queen look how pretty she is im so pressedt

also this chapter is in !!THIRD PERSON!! because i really wanted yall to get an inside glimpse at how both klaus and ophelia are thinking right now so bear with me here lol hope you enjoy!!!

"Nik?" Ophelia asked, tracing little patterns on his bare chest as he held her bare frame in his arms.

"Yes, love?"

"What if I die?"

That was not the question Klaus wanted nor expected to hear after making love to the woman of his dreams. Furrowing his brow, he held her a little tighter in his arms and looked down at her in concern.

"What's all this talk about death, eh?" He asked, placing a kiss on her temple.

"You heard it yourself. Marcel is going to launch his attack on us any day now. And that man, as stupid and irrelevant as he may be, is not dumb. He knows what he's doing. He has connections. He has everything that I don't. So what if, by some sort of chance, they kill me? What happens next?"

"They're not going to kill you."

"But what if they do?" Ophelia pushed. "What happens then? Does history repeat itself? Does she win? Do you go back to being that broody man that I met all that time ago, going around and causing chaos everywhere? What happens, Nik?"

Klaus sighed and flinched at the mere thought of his beloved dying in his arms, getting flashbacks to the last time that happened. A day he wished never to remember.

"If you die," Klaus muttered, picking up her hand and placing a kiss on her palm. "I die."


"Ophelia." He mimicked. "I'm serious. If some chance you do... you know..."


"Yes, that. If that happens, then I die. Simple."

"But that doesn't make sense."

"A world without you is a world that I no longer want to be in." He stated.

"But I'll come back—"

"A world without this version of you is a world that I no longer want to be in." He restated. "I love you. This you. You're the only woman that I love, Ophelia. You're my one and only. So, if you die, I die. Simple as that."

"I don't want you to die, Klaus." She whispered. "I want you to be happy."

"That's not up to you, darling," He murmured, petting her hair and placing a heartfelt kiss on her forehead. "I'm only happy when I'm with you."

It was silent between them, both thinking of the others' words.

Ophelia most certainly didn't want to die, and she wanted Klaus to live, as well. No matter what happened to her. And then it hit her. She might not make it out of this. She might not survive, and Klaus will be all alone. Davina was right all along — she waited for far too long. She was selfish, she was ignorant, but most of all, she was in love with Klaus fucking Mikaelson. She messed up.

sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now