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n// LOOK HOW PERFECT SHE IS WHAT TH E FUCKKKKK also sorry for the wait and the lack of length but hey!!! im back!!!! ps elijah and ophelia are brotp till i fuckin die lmao

"Eli!" I cried out from across the square, instantaneously getting his attention.

"Ophelia?" He asked curiously, stepping toward me until we met in a large display of affection, making a few onlookers coo at us. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd be at home, in the safety of your apartment."

"Well, being trapped in there with your brother whilst he talked to old me was enough to make a girl want to get out a little more." I chuckled in response.


"The one and only."

Taking my hand, he led me somewhere where we knew that no one was around to listen.

"What happened?" He asked in a hushed tone, looking me over for any apparent injury. "Are you alright? And what the bloody hell did you mean by 'old you'?"

"I'm perfect. In fact, other than the fact that I killed a child, I haven't been better."

Elijah stared at me in confusion, then proceeded to check my head for any visible injuries.

"Eli- Eli!" I laughed, dodging his attempts. "I am perfectly fine. Would you care to know why...?"

"Yes, please, so I can begin to make sense of you and my little brother getting along and you being "fine" after an emotional trauma."

"Well, Elijah, the reason I am so fine is not only because of my astoundingly good looks, but the fact that I finally have answers."


"You heard me, Shakespeare." I smirked proudly. "I finally know what the fuck is going on."

"Care to explain, Ophelia?"

Taking his hand, I used my other to put a privacy spell over us, so that no one else could hear what we were saying. To them, with the spell, we were talking about what to have for dinner and our favorite episodes of Friends.

"What did you do?" He asked curiously as we walked back into the public space.

"Stopped all the droppers of eaves from listening in, supernatural or not."

"Oh." He said, impressed. "Now, what is it that you were talking about before?"

"She's obsessed with your brother." I said simply.

"Who?" He asked.

"Me. Well, old me. And uglier me. And all around shittier me. Klaus' ex-girlfriend. She's obsessed with him, and the reason for literally all of my problems right now."

"But she's dead."

"Not exactly. She's in me."


"Yeah. She's possessing me. Or at least that's what I'm calling it right now because multiple personality disorder doesn't even begin to cover it."

"Ophelia, you're confusing me," Elijah sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Just... Start from the beginning, please."

Sighing, I sat down on a bench with the Original and ran a hand through my ringlets, looking toward my favorite old man.

"Okay, so, here's how he even got into my apartment in the first place: I don't really know. He was just there in the midst of crying, and long story short, he comforted me and stayed with me until I passed out, and continued to be there for me when I woke up. You know, when he's not going around, murdering people and whatnot, he can actually be a lovely person. Anyways, when I came to, we started chatting. And since we all know how incessantly annoying and not to mention nosy I am, I asked him about her. About the original me. And no, that was not supposed to be a pun, but I'm glad it is." I stated, chuckling a bit at the end. "But, he told me their story. And trust me, it was a cute one. So... Like the dumbass I am, I offered up the option of trying to bring her back. Not in the 'bring her back to life' type of way, but like in the 'bring her back for a minute so you can chat for a second' way. I mean, she's been popping up and taking over my body whenever our life is in danger, so why not try and coax her out?"

"Ophelia..." The man said lowly, sounding even more fatherly than usual. "What have you done?"

"Klaus started bringing up memories from when they were together," I continued, choosing to ignore his comment. "And, well, it worked. Everything was good for a while, as well, until she showed her true colors and revealed her true motive."

"And that was?"

"...Basically to trap your brother in a never ending relationship with all of us until the end of time."

"All of you? There are more?"

"Yes, well, no. I mean, not yet. When I/we die, we regenerate. It's some weirdo Doctor Who witch shit."

"But we already knew that. You're living proof."

"Precisely, Detective Elijah. But what we didn't know was that the personalities... They accumulate. So, by the time I'm gone, there will be another version of me, but I will still be there, trapped inside our body with the first version. It's an infinite cycle, Elijah, and I guess why they made it so hard to kill us." I stated, making his eyes widen. "When I was gone, Elijah, I couldn't handle it. The feeling of watching someone else literally live your life while you just have to deal with it and remain trapped... It's sickening. I couldn't even handle the short amount of time that I was in there, let alone a lifetime or a million. I was practically clawing to get out. And if that's what it did to me in a few minutes, could you imagine what it's like for over twenty years?"

"She's going mad..."

"She isn't going, she's already gone." I stated, shaking my head. "The woman that your brother described was not the woman who came out to play. She kept saying how she wanted us to always be together. I'm scared, Elijah, but at least we know what her agenda is and what the hell is wrong with me."

"Is there any way to expel her?"

"We have no idea." I sighed. "I mean, it isn't like this happens very often. She created this personal hell for herself, Elijah. Do you know how much power it took for her to do that? I'll give you a hint: it's why this regeneration took a couple centuries."

"What's stopping her from listening in right now?"

"That's the thing," I said, scratching my neck. "We don't exactly know."

sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now