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n// sorry that im such trash lol but heres a chapter for the pain

The attack came at night.

Klaus and I were sleeping, holding each other in a tight embrace, when I felt it. At first, it was a chill. Didn't think much of it, if I'm being honest, but it only escalated from there. The chill grew and festered into a feeling that I could only describe as one word: darkness.

I've felt and seen and have heard of pain in my lifetime(s). I have seen atrocities of the many. I have been killed and brought back, had my body taken over by the spirit of my past life, and have had countless encounters with grief along the way, but all of that turmoil paled in comparison to what I was feeling at the moment.

I have never wished for death. I tried it once, and needless to say, I wasn't a fan. But the feeling of just... endless black and sorrow and dread and fear was enough to make me want to shake hands with the face of it with a glad heart and a bright smile. But I couldn't. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move, or scream, or cry, or even wake up the love of my lives to help me get through it. All I could do is stare blankly at his sleeping figure, and try with all of my might to get out of the state of paralysis that I was currently trapped in. The amount of time that passed wasn't clear, but it didn't matter. What mattered was that sometime during that inordinate amount of time, she decided to pay me a visit.

They're coming.

They're coming.

Wake up.

They're coming.

Wake up!

And with that final exclamation on her part, I rose with a scream.

My scream shook the walls and blew out all the windows, and, of course, woke up Klaus in the process.

"Ophelia!" He cried out, rushing to my aid despite the pain he felt from my cries as well. "Ophelia, what's wrong?!"

I couldn't say anything. All I could do was claw at my skin and shake, trying anything to rid myself of the feelings of death washing over me like a tsunami. Noticing this, Klaus quickly grabbed my wrists and held them tightly, forcing me to stop the incessant scratching.

"Ophelia," He repeated, looking into my very soul. "Ophelia, what's wrong?!"

Me being in the state I was currently, however, could only get out two words:

"They're here."

I watched as Klaus' face paled due to his understanding of the situation, but he was quick to recover. Or, rather, conceal.

"How much time do we have?" He asked urgently, getting up and pulling on his clothing.

"I-I don't know," I confessed, still visibly trembling. "But they're here, Nik. I can feel it. It's everywhere. They're everywhere."

Klaus' face hardened, the Klaus that everyone knew and loathed coming out to play. Sometimes I think that he, too, had a different version of himself from a past life inside of him like I did. How he could just go from the most tender, loving, caring, gentle man I have ever met to some killing, dangerous, war machine of a beast. It was borderline unnatural — but then again, everything about him is.

sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now