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n// no gif for this chapter bc I'm on my mobile lmfao I'll add one when I get my laptop back but regardless here's a cute little Klaus and Ophelia chapter bc I'm trash!!!!

"Klaus, what the hell am I doing here?" I asked in a bratty whine, scuffling my feet along the pavement as he dragged me down the streets of New Orleans. "I am supposed to be in the safety and comfort of my own home, not galavanting around with you before the sun is even up."

It was currently five in the morning, and Klaus Mikaelson had made himself all too welcome in my apartment, waking me up and insisting that I came with him that instant. He didn't (and still hasn't) given me an explanation, but he has given me a good amount of chuckles and head shakes as he drags me along with him to wherever he is going.

"Millions and millions of people wake up at this hour, love, you're just the exception." He chided, a smile still on his face regardless of his light scolding.

"Exception or not, what the hell am I doing out here?" I whined again, stomping my feet against the pavement as he lead me further outside the city limits. "If you're going to kill me, can't you do it a little later than this? Besides, everyone who knows me at all knows that I would never be up this early. The cops would suspect fowl play instantaneously!"

"Why do you always assume that someone is trying to kill you?"

"Because they always are...?"

Rolling his eyes at me, he continued our little venture into the middle of nowhere, much to my dismay.

"Can you, like, not?" I pouted, throwing my head back as a hill approached. "I can teleport you know! But no, you don't want to tell me where the hell you're dragging my sorry, sleepy ass—"

"We're here, Ophelia," Klaus rolled his eyes, sitting down and pulling my hand, taking me down with him. "You can stop your incessant tirades."

"Good," I nodded, satisfied with the fact that we had finally stopped walking. "Now, why are we sitting on the side of some hill?"

"You know," Klaus began instead, looking out at the horizon. "New Orleans is my favourite city in the world, and there is no place else that I'd rather be."

"Still doesn't answer my question."

"This is just one of the many, beautiful spots that it has to offer that — fortunately for us — not many people know about." He continued, ignoring me. "You can see everything from here. The city, the people, the establishments of all sorts... Hell, you can even still hear the sound of jazz being played on Bourbon Street."

As he smiled, I found myself doing so as well. Even though I was tired, sweaty, and quite frankly done with his shit at the moment, I couldn't not smile when Klaus spoke. I couldn't help it. His smile was contagious, and there were very few things that caused it. So when he smiled, I smiled.

"But none of that is here at the moment." I pointed out.

"Exactly, love," He smiled softly, seeming proud of himself. "We're looking at the skeleton of a city that seems to never sleep. But, in the right moments, you can see it at rest. And it's beautiful."

Looking out over it once again, I realised that he was correct. It seemed as if there wasn't a single soul in our great city, and you could almost hear the ghost of the previous festivities that always seem to happen. Klaus was right. It was beautiful in its own weakness.

sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now