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n// another little filler chapter for you guys!! this was one of the most fun chapters to write and im so in love with ophelia jfc. anyways, stuff is going to get more action packed soon, but I felt as if I haven't established enough substance to the relationships and personal lives of our favs and so out came this lil chapter. nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it and please be sure to vote/comment/share!!!!

love uuuuuu <3

"Hello?" I called out, stepping into the little shop of horrors. "Anybody here?"

"Coming!" A loud, male voice called out in return.

Within seconds, I was greeted by a young man, who couldn't be much older than me. A few years, at most. And let me tell you, my day had thus been brightened tenfold because of this boy. He was beautiful.

"How can I help you?" He asked, sending me a kind smile.

"Uh, I came in to inquire about the 'help wanted' sign in the window?"

Nodding, his smile grew a little larger.

"You want to work here?"

"Well, I wouldn't be inquiring if I didn't want to," I joked, earning a soft chuckle from the man.

Truth be told, I didn't really want to work anywhere. I was just sick and tired of living off of the Mikaelsons, and despite their claims of 'not needing the money', it was still theirs, and I was still taking it. I don't want to live like that anymore. It's time that I step up and be an adult for once, no matter what hell I happen to be going through at the moment.

"Good point. You ever work with magic before?"

"...I dabble."

Nodding, he held up a finger, signalling for me to wait a moment before reaching under the counter and shuffling around. After a few moments, he arose and slid me a paper and a pen.

"That's it?" I asked with a smile, taking the items. "No further questioning before I get the application?"

"Well, after you fill it out, we'll see if there are more to come."

Smiling, I nodded and began filling it out all of my information diligently whilst he kept busy with watching me and humming a light tune as I did so. And after I was done, I slid the application and pen back to him.

Scanning over it and nodding, he spoke without looking up.

"Ophelia. That's a cool name."

"It means serpent." I shrugged.

Nodding again, he tossed the application to the side, leaning back down on the counter and placing his head in his hands.

"So, what makes you want to work in a magic shop?" He asked.

"Uh, well, I like magic, and this is better than working as a waitress." I answered with a shrug. "Wait. Is this a job interview?"

"Yes, and I appreciate the honesty. This place is way better than any restaurant." He replied nonchalantly. "What are your qualifications? Why should I hire you to work here?"

sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now