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"Opey!" Marcel cried out, opening up his arms for a hug. "What brings you 'round to this part of town?"

"Boredom." I replied sarcastically. "And these freaks won't stop following me."

Jabbing my finger over my shoulder, Marcel greeted the two of his vampires that had been assigned to watch over me with a smile.

"What? Joe and Kevin aren't interesting enough for you, your highness?"

"Maybe they would be if the 2/3 of the Jonas Brothers would speak to me instead of guarding the bloody door like I'm the First Lady of the United States."

Marcel chuckled and shooed the men off for a bit, bringing me into a hug. I actually kind of liked Marcel. He had that whole fatherly vibe to him, which was something I completely lacked as a child.

"So what's got you so bored? Can't you conjure up a little spell and entertain yourself for the time being?" He teased.

"Like this?" I responded, snapping my fingers and thus changing Kevin and Joe into goats. "Or maybe this?"

Then they were back to their human form, but with bright blue and purple hair. Crinkling my nose, they went back to normal and tried not to lash out on me.

"Damn, girl!" Marcel laughed with a clap. "Most of the witches in the world can't even do anything like that without a grimoire and calling upon the ancestors! But here you are, in all of your witch-y glory, wiggling your nose and snapping your fingers! Damn!"

I smiled slightly at his amused reaction, happy that someone was happy at the sight of my revenge upon the wannabe Jo-Bros.

"The point is, Marcel, I'm still bored." I said, conjuring up a chair from thin air and sitting in it. "Being cooped up in my apartment all day isn't exactly my idea of fun. So, I figured that the King of the Quarter might need some witch-y assistance of some sort."

He nodded, deeming my reasoning fair enough before gesturing me to follow him. Grinning, I got rid of the chair with the bat of an eyelash and followed him excitedly, finally ridding myself of the vampires behind me. A girl can only handle so much death at once. Not good for the soul.

"So, whatcha need?" I asked, following him down the busy streets of New Orleans, entering what looked like a closed down church. How ironic.

"I actually don't need anything at the moment. I want you to meet someone." He said, leading me up a staircase.

Furrowing my brow, I watched as he opened the door and revealed a young girl, no older than sixteen or seventeen years. Letting out a gasp, I watched as she ran into Marcel's arms happily and let out a string of heartwarming giggles.

"D, I want you to meet a friend of mine-"

"The Coven-less Queen..." She interrupted in shock once she laid eyes upon me.

"I prefer Ophelia, but hey, who am I to deny my title?" I said bleakly, standing guard just in case she might try and pull something on me. "I take it you're his resident witch?"

The girl nodded slowly, jaw still slacked slightly from the shock of seeing that it was actually me who wandered into her little prison.

sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now