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Elijah stared at me in shock, fear, and disbelief before speaking again.

"So she could be here? Listening? Right now?"

"We share a body," I chuckled, laughing to ease my inner feelings of pain and terror. "It'd be impossible for her to not."

He shook his head and began pacing, the cogs in his head turning rapidly, trying to concoct a plan that would end the line and expel the past, without damaging the present.

"Elijah," I spoke after a while, failing at getting his attention. "Elijah!"

"What?" He asked in a slightly harsh tone of voice.

"Calm down." I said calmly. "I can see your blood pressure rising, and you're dead. Sit down. Join me."

Sighing and shaking his head, he reluctantly plopped down on the bench beside me, where I promptly placed my head on one of his broad shoulders.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I'm so sorry, Eli."

"For what?"

"For getting you dragged into all this fuckery."

He chuckled and placed a large hand on the side of my head, planting a supportive and sympathetic kiss on my head.

"This isn't your fault, Ophelia." He said, shaking his head. "You didn't ask for this."

"And yet, you're still involved, and thus in danger."

"I'm a thousand years old, Ophelia. I'm an Original. I'm a little harder to kill than most."

"And I am the most powerful witch in all of history with the power to end you and your whole species, apparently."

At this, he was silent. He knew I was right, no matter how much he didn't want to admit it. We both knew what the dangers were now, and it scared the shit out of us both.

"Eli?" I asked after a long period of silence between us. "Can you promise me something?"

"What?" He asked urgently. "What is it?"

"Promise me that if... We get a little too out of hand, that you'll do whatever it takes to save yourself and your family."

"Ophelia, I can't promise that―"

"Yes you can." I spoke, cutting him off effectively. "You can and you will. You will do what you must to protect the people you love and countless amounts of others that might be in danger too, okay? And you will continue to do so until you have found the answer to solving this problem, and freeing us all of this curse. I don't care who you have to piss off or make an alliance with. If things get too crazy, or if we spiral out of control, or even if we just start to remotely plan something that is beyond nature's bounds, end it."

Shaking his head, he blinked back the tears that were already beginning to form in his aged, wise, brown eyes.

"No. We will find a way." He said, determination evident in his tone. "I don't care what Niklaus and I have to do to make this possible, Ophelia. We will do whatever it takes to keep you safe."

I smiled at his words, finding his hope for the situation a mix of heartbreakingly sweet and excruciatingly painful. And for a second, he had me feeling the same way. But the other me... she's unpredictable. She's ruthless. And most of all, she's fucking insane and she needs to be stopped. So, instead of being a shitty friend and letting him believe that he was to find a magical cure for all of my problems, I decided to be a realist for a change.

"I have no doubt that you and Klaus will do everything in your power to make this happen," I began, crooked smile in my face. "But you have to promise me that no matter what, if we're going to be the cause of something that could be the end of the world, you have to end it before we get a chance to do so. I don't care what you have to do, just end it. It doesn't matter what we say, it doesn't matter what we do, nor does it matter who's face we are wearing. At the end of the day, you have to put the safety of yourselves and the wellbeing of others ahead me. And remember, in case of such emergency, that you're my best boy, you hear? I love you, Eli, and you have done more for me than anyone I have ever met, and for that I will always be in your debt."

"Why does it sound as if you're saying goodbye?" He asked in a strained voice. "You've barely just said hello."

I smiled slightly at the man, letting him hold me a little tighter than before while he tried his best not to cry at my words. To be honest, it was a little shocking how close we had grown ever since that first night in the bar. It seems like only yesterday I was threatening to end his life, and now he's shattered by the mere thought of having to end mine.

"I'm saying all of this in case I don't get a chance to." I confessed.

"Well, just know that I'm with you till the end of the line, Ophelia."

I let out a breathy laugh, thinking back on the time where I practically forced Elijah to watch some films with me on my couch, Captain America being one of them. And even though Elijah claimed that he didn't care for it, he and I both knew the truth.

"I'm with you till the end of the line, too, Eli." I responded in the same voice. "I love you too."

sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now