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I woke in the same room,but now I was tied to a chair. A rope around both wrist and legs and one around my throat.

My skin was rubbed raw from a mixture of the ropes and my wiggling.

Okay, so I know in the movies your all like,"why is she wiggling so much don't she know that's just going to hurt her?!"but no. You don't understand. When your fighting for your life, you try everything to get free.

"Stop wiggling. Your not getting loose, those knots are the best and they wont come loose." Said Nathan.

I turned my head away and kept wiggling.

"You know, I tied those ropes. Yeah, I had to reach all the way around your sleeping body. Like this." He said before he bent down and wrapped his arms around me making me go still.

I didn't understand it. It was like, it felt right, being in his arms, but my mind was telling me he's playing with me. My biggest feared the moment, him raping me.

"I like you in my arms, but I should move. Boss would likely kill me he found out." He whispered in my ear.

As if on cue another young man came in. His green eyes, small lips, and long black hair making him easy to recognize.


"Hello Carrie." He said.

"Hey boss? Ya know I've been meaning to ask you why you wanted to kidnap her in the first place but I never had the time because of somebody." He said looking at me.

"Well, sit down and let me explain." Keven said.

Nathan walked over and sat next to me.

"Three years ago I dated her sister."

"Sister? I didn't see a sister when I talked her for eight weeks." Nathan piped up.

"WHAT! You stalked me for eight weeks!" I yelled.

"Don't get so excited. I did it for my job." He said.

"You stalked me!" I screamed.

"Both of you shut up." Keven said. "And Nathan stop interrupting. Okay so I dated her sister. She broke up with me. I was devastated. So, I killed her."

"SHUT UP YOU mmh mnmmmh." Said while someone gagged me.

"What are you doing!" Nathan said, clearly shocked from his confession.

"We can't have her interrupting us now can we?" Keven said. "Now sit back down and be queit. Okay. Again." He said.


"So you killed her sister, got out of murder charge, and came here?" Nathan said, now holding me to his chest because of my frequent break downs during his all to detailed story of killing my sister.

"Yes in simpler terms."

"Okay." Nathan said." We're good here so please go away."

"No prob." Keven said smirking. He walked out of the room along with some of the other people who had joined to listen leaving me and Nathan alone.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I had no idea about any of that." He said with true guilt in his voice.

He wrapped his arms tighter around me,pressing me deeper into his chest. He untied my mouth gag and ropes letting me breathe finally.

He picked me up, princess style, and took me to the bed. He set me down on the bed gently.

I laid my head in my hands as he wrapped his arms around me. He bent down and made his face level with mine.

"I'm so sorry. I, I really didn't know anything about this." He said, his voice quivering with guilt, shock, and regret.

I nodded in answer because my tears were to strong to break even to answer. All the pain I had hidden away came back, even stronger now.

"Don't worry anymore. I'm gonna get you out." He whispered to me secretly.


Hope you liked it:)

I plan on updating this maybe 3 times a week so enjoy!

Hope you enjoy the story.


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