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I woke up in a cover and a pillow under my head. I looked around the room. The mirror bits had been cleaned up. I got up and went to the living room. There was a stack of wood by the fireplace. The fire was crackling. I walked into the kitchen and saw Jess in the kitchen making pancakes.

"How did you get in here?" I asked. He turned his head toward me and walked over with a smirk on his face. He kept getting closer an I started backing up. My back hit the wall and he kept coming closer.

Okay he's so close our noses could touch. Is he trying to kiss me?!

I involuntarily squeezed my eyes shut.

He wiped my mouth with the back of his hand. I opened my eyes and have him a confused look.

"Drool." He said going back to cooking. I'm pretty sure my face turned beat red. I could feel the heat radiating off my cheeks.

" never answered my question."

"Oh yeah, I saw Nathan leaving with a lot of things and I didn't see you. By time I had gotten heard I heard you singing and started putting more wood to the fire. When I was done I didn't hear you singing anymore, so I went upstairs and found you asleep. You would've gotten a cold. You should be thanking me. "

"Uh, right. Thank You, Jess." I said. He smirked.

"Well, it's thanks to you that I'm free. I was on there for a long time, as you know. I'd quit trying and then you came around."

"I have a question."


"Why did Keven say you were his brother?"

He put the pancake on the plate and handed it to me.

"Let's eat."

"Y-yeah." I said sitting across from him.

We sat in silence and I wondered why he changed the subject. My mind wondered off the the diary.

I haven't had the chance to read anymore. The diary scares me but I feel like I have to read it.

"About Keven," Jess started.

"If you don't wanna talk about it, it's okay."

"No, I should tell you." He shifted in his seat. "When we where younger on December 21st, we were going to the store to buy a present for my grandma. It was suppose to be her last Christmas. A construction truck came racing around the corner. He hit us knocking us sideways, the another car from the other side hit us. There were seven cars involed in that wreck."

"Oh yeah! I remember reading that. A boy and his little brother were the only survivors out of 24 people."

"Yes. That was us.we didn't want to go to the orphanage so we ran to grandmas. She had died the night before in her sleep. So we ran out a solitude place and started a clan. I ran it for years, then Keven locked me up. Then you came."


"Did you get the info you wanted or were you expected another story, princess?"

"Don't be like that." I said lowering my head.

He got up and took his plate to the kitchen.

"You didn't even eat it all." I said.

"I don't have much if an appetite anymore."

"Yeah, me neither." I said getting up to do the same to my food. Trash it.

It seemed wasteful to do that. But if I didn't I'd have it until it was moldy and stinky.

I made a disgusted face at the thought.

Jess chuckled. I whipped my head and glared at him. He's so confusing. Wasn't he just angry, now he's laughing at me. He's so hard to understand. I understood Nathan, but Jess is unpredictable, crazy, and strange. He has so many secrets. Nathan told me anything I wanted, but Jess hides things. I'm not sure if he trusts me. I guess I'll just have to find out.

"Hey, Jess?" I started. "Do you trust me?" I lowered my head and looked away. "That was a stupid question, sorry."

"There's no such thing as a stupid question."

"Yes there is. "I said. I looked over at him to see he was rolling his eyes and doing the dishes.

"You're so stubborn." He said. "Yes, I trust you. You haven't given me any reason not to and if I didn't I wouldn't be here."

I was so happy I jumped on him and wrapped him in a hug. He stumbled backward until he was pressed against the counter. I was, kinda, clinging on him.

"You're so childish." He said. Which is strange because ever since Emily died I've been so swallowed up in the pain and with Nathan I always had to be serious. With Jess I feel so free and young.

I giggled in response and looked up at him. My eyes met his as I looked up. I felt stuck there. I couldn't move. My mind was telling me to run but my body just stayed. My mind said this would be trouble but my body still wouldn't move. He came closer. I couldn't help it, I closed my eyes as his lips met mine.

Okay, Nathan'a kiss was good, but not this good. This was, like, ten times better than that.

We pulled away after a few seconds and the awkward settled in. I let go of him and stepped back.

"W-well. I should go, umm, read. Yeah. " I said walking out of the room. I pulled the dairy out of my bag and started reading, but my mind kept on the kiss.

*Jess's Prov.*

God! What did I just do?!

'What do you mean, you loved it.' The voice in my head mocked.

That's the problem. I'm not the type of person to love.

'You've loved her for a long time. All that time in the cell with her.'

My mouth fell open. How could I love her? We're so different.

'Not really, you've gone through a lot of the same things. '

Yeah, more than I'd like to think about. Especially 'that one.'









~ Nancy:)

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