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*Carries Prov.*

One thousand thoughts are running through my head.

Where is he taking me? Where is Nathan? Did they hurt Nathan? Does he care that I'm gone? Does he even know I'm gone?

How is Keven alive?

I looked to the front of the van. It was him from head to toe.

I felt my hate grow as I looked at him.

I looked away and looked by down to myself. I was tied up. Again. Gagged and now I had a gun pressed to my temple by one of Kevens men.

"You know," Keven said in the front seat. "Your mother would still be alive if you had just said yes. Oh well, I still have you."I glared at him.

Was that true? Did he really kill my mother because I said no? He didn't even tell me! What kind of negotiating is that!?

"Whatever your name is, take her inside." Keven said getting out of the car.

"Yes sir." The man said. He pulled me up and blindfolded me.

"I'm sorry miss, but I have to listen to boss or my wife and newborn baby will die." The man whispered in my ear.

I nodded in understanding. Even though it was still wrong, if I was in his shoes I'd do the same thing he's doing.

"Walk." The man said. I climbed out of the van.

"Here she is boss." The man said.

"Take her to her room."

Room? More like prison cell. Now that I thought about it he always did give me a nice place to sleep. I was also allowed to wonder around the building too.

Was he mad that I had killed him? Wait, I had killed him! How was he here?

A million thoughts ran through my head, but they were interrupted.

" Here you are ma'am." The man said taking off my blindfold and slamming the door.

Click. He lock me in.

I was in a dark room. It had no bed and had a concrete floor.

"Who are you?"

"Ahhhh!!" I screamed at the unexpected voice from behind me. I spun around so fast I'm surprised the stranger didn't fall backwards.

"Scaredy cat." He said. I couldn't see his face but I could tell he was a guy a few years older than me.

"No! You scared me creeper." Really? Creeper? I could've done better.

"I'm not the creeper here. Who are you?"

"First, who are you?"

"I asked the question first now answer before I make you." The man said in a dead serious tone.

I was scared what he might do if I didn't but I guess I'd have to find out.

"No." I said calmly and firmly.

"Tsk.. Whatever." With that he walked away.

What a rude guy. Threatening a younger woman.

I crawled up in a corner, tired from my trip and confusion, and went to sleep.

*Nathans Prov.*

I marched down the path back to the massive cabin.

I'd rather not go back there but he stole something very important from me.

GOD! If he hurt her! How was he even alive? I had had watched Carrie shoot him that night he killed her mother.


I was almost there. A few more turns and then I'd be there.

*Carries Prov.*

"Hey! Wake up!"

"Just a few more minutes mom, I don't want to go to school."

"I'm not your mom girly, now get up. "The stranger said shaking me like a rag doll.

"Okay, okay. I'm up." I said sitting up.

A plate of food was in front of me.

Eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, you name it, it was there.

Well, this makes sense. A trashy room, five star hotel food.

I looked over at the mans plate.

Moldy bread, and spoilt cheese.

I looked back down at my plate and then back to his.

I pushed my plate over to him.

"Have some of mine. I can't eat it all anyway."

"Thanks." He said taking a few things and pushing the plate back to me.

We finished eating and shoved the rest out the slit in the bottom of the door.



"What is your name?"

"My name is Jason, but you can call me Jess."

"I'm Carrie." I said as I smiled at him.

He shrugged and rolled back up in the other corner as I did the same.

*Nathans Prov.*

What!?!?! They're not here!

Nothing, no one.

How was I supposed to find her now?

I should've known. He wouldn't make it that easy.

Whatever happened to Keven to make him like this? We used to be best friends. Heck, his dream back when we were little was to be a firefighter and save all the pretty girls from dying because there wasn't enough anymore.


"Bro, what are you gonna do when you grow up. I want to be a firefighter."

"Why?" I had asked. "You can die that way."

"Because, all the pretty girls need saving. The firefighters ain't doing no good. Do you see any good looken' girls no more? They all dying in the fires. If I'm saving them they're gonna love me. I'll have every good looken' ladie on my arm."

"I don't think that's a good thing."

"Why not? My dad does. "

"Well, you're not him. Anyway, I don't know what I'm gonna be. I don't care as long as I'm happy."

"You can be a firefighter with me."

"Maybe, but I don't want the ladies clinging to me."

"Hahaha, well, whatever."

*end of flashback*

So much for that. Now your killen' em'. What happened to you keven?


How do you like the new character Jess?

He's gonna play a big part in the story.

Hope you liked it:)

Thankz for reading!)


Starlight Saga


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