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*Carries Prov.*

I here someone singing. I can't hear what they're saying but I hear them. Somewhere in my mind I am told to follow the sound. The sound was calling me. I couldn't feel my feet moving and I couldn't see where I was going.

I saw streets, old crumbled houses, and I saw the sun. Everything was gray and the only sound I could here was a lovely voice singing a the same thing over and over.

It became clearer as I turned to face a house I hadn't saw there. I walked in the house and saw everything there was white.

There was four white walls and a big window showing all the gray of the outside world.

A young woman in a white dress stood in the center of the window looking out.

"A golden sun,

And green grass.

Colors of a world was told.

Blue skies,

And sparkling waters.

Beauty of that world was told.

This land is unknown,

By I eyes I do not see.

As I rest I head to sleep,

I think how nice it would be. "The woman sung over and over.

Suddenly she turned. I was shocked beyond words. Her dress was no longer white, but black. Her skin was now splattered in red and her hair too.

Her eyes were unseeing. They were just white. There was no color nor pupil in them, just white.

Suddenly, I became sick of the white and wanted to run but my eyes had locked on hers, which were now glowing. She smiled and walked toward me. She reached out hand to grab me.

I woke up with beads of sweat rolling down my face. Her heart was beating irregularly and my head was throbbing with pain.

Nathan sat up beside and looked at me. His eyes were the violet color they had always been and were also seeing.

"Carrie are you okay?"he asked as I looked him.

"Do you see me?" I asked terrified of his answer.

"Yes, why?"

"Nathan, I," I got up to go the front porch.

It wasn't really the eyes that had scared me. It was the woman. The woman was me.


*Carries Prov.*

I was standing on the front porch and I saw the trees swaying and the sun just barley rising in the horizon.

I walked to the stairs and hung on the pillar next to them. I breathed in the sweet smelling air. The birds were chirping and the trees, swaying in the rising sun.

I don't know how long I stood there for but it felt like just a moment. I thought back to the other day.

All the red. All the white. The ringing in my ears. The pain. The smell of every dead person who died on my behalf.

I shouldn't be alive. I don't deserve it. I thought.

"God, is this how I'm to be punished? Living, knowing that those people died because of me?" I asked growing angry.

"I've gone to church my whole life, I've done what's right! Why? Why did I have to be the reason for all the death? Why?" I said falling to my knees.

There was no more tears left to cry, no more things to hate, no more things to love, in this world. The only thing I had was Nathan.

I turned to run inside to Nathan when someone pulled me back. They cuffed my hands behind my back and gagged me in less than a second.

I looked up only to look into the eyes of someone who was all to hard to forget.

*Nathans Prov.*

I got up and started making breakfast wondering about Carrie.

What had sent her over the edge like that. I don't know but right now I need to not burn the house down.

I finished cooking and put them on the plates visitors here used.

This place used to be rented all the time, but then the owner suddenly died out of the blue. The family couldn't afford to keep it so they put it up for sell.

It's been two years and no ones even came to look at the place.

I walked outside to get Carrie.

Oh, god. A letter? What the fudge?!

I snatched it up and flung it open.


Thanks for the girl. I know you may find this hard to......

I skipped right to the end.




Yay! A not-so-boring chapter!

Hope you liked it.

Yes I did have this in mind from the very beginning but I have no clue how this will end.

Thankz for reading ;)



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