stop asking

726 24 1

|| AU ||

honestly, for a writer who started three days ago, 83 reads is a pretty huge thing for me. thank you peaches :)


- Sabrina's POV -

I admitted it. Now I am currently sobbing in Peyton's chest. I would say that I felt uncomfortable crying on a guy who was not my anything's chest, but that would be a lie. Rowan and Corey joined in as well and I felt safe.

Eventually, we all let go of each other but I still held onto Rowan. I'm glad she broke me.

" Guys, thank you, " I was still sobbing.

They all looked down, smiling.

" Peaches, we are always here for you. All of us are, " Rowan caressed my cheek.

Rowan then threw her arm around Corey and he did the same with Peyton. We all walked out of SkyDollars.

- Corey's POV -

Peyton suddenly stopped. This mad everybody stop as well.

" Dude what's wrong? " I asked him.

" You, " he pointed his finger at me, " owe me 20 bucks, " oh that hideous smirk of his.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out 20 and handed it to him. He shoved it in his pocket and we continued walking out. I loved us.

'''' The Next Day [ so cliche omg i cant even] ''''

- Sabrina's POV -

I appreciated the offer Peyton gave me on picking me up for the shoot of Girl Meets Creativity but I'd rather go with Rowan this time. I really needed a girl's shoulder to lean on now.

I walked out of my house and saw Rowan waiting for me, leaning against the car with Marc inside.

" Hey, you, " I greeted her with a hug.

" Hello, peaches. You feeling better? " she hugged me back with a question.

" I've been better, " I shrugged my shoulders as I got in the car.

She got in the car with a giggle as she closed the door. Her giggle has always made me happy. That's why I have to throw away my feelings for Peyton, so that I wouldn't break RowBoat's heart and that giggle would still be heard every single day.

" Oh, I forgot. We are stopping at Peyton's to pick him and Corey up. They forgot to ask Mikey to pick them up, " she told me.

Of course Peyton [ and Corey ] would join us. We drove for a few minutes until we reached Peyton's. Corey and he were sitting on a bench. Marc honked the car and the boys came towards it.

" Row, sweetie, quick question. Umm. How are we gonna fit? " Corey asked after opening the door.

" You two will sit in the back. All cramped up. Wouldn't that be fun? " her smile was so sarcastic.

Rowan and I got out of the car so that the guys could go to the back. Once the guys were 'comfortably' seated, we went in.

" You guys okay back there? " I asked in a sweet yet sarcastic tone.

" Oh, we are very comfortable sitting in a cramped seat, " Peyton answered back sarcastically.

" Glad to hear! " I whipped my head so that my hair would hit his face.

I could hear his 'ow'. How adorable. Marc started driving and we began talking about random things from ' McDonald's serving Breakfast all-day' to ' How cows drink'. Rowan said that. When she said it, we all looked at her with a confused face. Her innocent smile made Corey shake his head and change the subject to my feelings.

" So Sabrina, you feeling okay? " he asked.

" Guys. I knew about this even when we were together. I was okay back then. And I'm still okay now, " I tried to lie to them. I was never okay. Even though tears never came out of my eyes, the situation bothered me a lot.

" Well, maybe because when you finally told us, your feelings may have go-, " Peyton was interrupted by Marc.

" Okay kiddos, you're here, " Marc informed us.

As each of us left the car, we said our thank yous to him. As Peyton was the last one to leave, Marc nodded in return and drove away.

" Sabrina as I was saying, your feelings may-," this time' he was cut off by me.

" Can you guys please stop asking? Of course I'm not okay. This has bothered me so much. Look, I appreciate your guys' sympathy but really, I just need to forget about it without people having pity for me. So, just stop asking, please, " I walked away.

I felt tears at the brim of my eyes but they weren't coming out. It was a good thing because I didn't want anybody else to know about this.

Poor Sab.

Still no Peybrina?

Don't worry.

Next chapter.

I promise.



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