finding out

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|| AU ||

1K READS GUYS OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 8-9 days ago I started with like a few readers and now I'm here. This may not seem much to you but it does to me... anyways, enjoy:)


- Rowan's POV -

Somehow, Peyton and Sabrina left for Starbucks together. That really hurt my heart. I still liked Peyton. But when he has flaws, I kind of drift away from him.

However, Sabrina stays with him, that was why I wanted her to be with him. I want her to be in a relationship where she loves the person for who he is, unlike her with Bradley.

It was my fault that their relationship ended badly. If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't have hid this secret from any of us, because she wouldn't have any.

I looked at Corey. He smiled at me, I smiled back. I decided to start a conversation with him.

" So, which ride do you want to go to first?" I asked.

" The Haunted Mansion? " he suggested.

" Sure, " I smiled, " as long as you don't get out with your pants wet, " I sassed.

" That was 9 years ago! " he defended himself.

" Whatever you say, " before he could defend himself again, I pulled him by the hand towards the Haunted Mansion.

As we were running, we almost bumped into a couple walking out of Starbucks. They looked very familiar. Both blonde.

" Haha, sorry, we were ju- " I stopped after knowing who they were.

" Peyton? " I looked at the girl, " Sabrina? " I was confused.

" Why are you guys holding hands? " Corey asked.

" Us? Look at you two, " she pointed to our hands.

I looked down to see my hands intertwined with Corey's. I quickly let go and looked at Sabrina.

" I was just pulling him towards The Haunted Mansion, " I explained, " Your explanation? " I turned to Peyton.

" We're kinda together now, " Sabrina looked down while letting go of Peyton's hand.

" What, how? " I asked, still very confused.

" Long story short, she became my fake girlfriend and now she's my real girlfriend, " Peyton explained while wrapping his arm around Sabrina.

I have got to admit, that made my heart break into a million pieces.

" Well, congrats guys! " I congratulated them, " So, Haunted Mansion? " I invited them.

As we were walking towards the Mansion, Sabrina made a bet.

" I bet you guys 10 bucks Corey runs out of the Mansion with his pants wet, " she looked at us.

" I bet the same thing, " Peyton looked at Corey and I.

" Same goes for me, " I smirked at Corey.

" Whatever. I'm the one who walks out with 30 bucks in his wallet, " Corey began to walk away from us sassily.

The three of us laughed and picked up the pace to keep up with Corey.






anyways, chickenmcspicy is right beside me helping me for this and the next chapter.

give her some love, aight!



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