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- Sabrina's POV -

Now two cats are out of the bag but they were obvious. Corey and I were expecting another one but we were not sure yet if it was coming out. Currently, Peyton and I were talking about our past prank war while Corey was finding gifts for Row.

He said that he did not need our help because he wanted this gift to be from his own and not from the others. TOTAL SWEETHEART. How can Row not notice him. Although, she has talked about him a few times out of the blue.

" Ooh, and remember when I performed your audition song from when you were 10? Oh that was fun! " he laughed.

" Yeah and wanna feel the pain from the tackle I gave you during Girl Meets Flaws? " I joked back.

" Wait what? " before he could react, " POOM! " I exclaimed as I punched him on his left hand as he fell off the bench.

" Nice? " I asked as innocent as possible when he got back to his feet and sat on the bench.

" The innocent look is not working, " he sassed.

" Speaking of innocent, Rowan, " it was time.

" What about her innocence? " he asked.

" Not her innocence, her, " I said.

" And, what about her? " he asked again, confused.

" What do you think of her? " I asked. His face was flushed. He likes her.

" She's pretty great, actually. She's like a sister to me, " lies.

" Do you like her? " I asked.

" Um. I like her as a sister? I just told you and why is it with the ques- " I cut him off.

" Peyton, you like her. I notice the glances you two give each other when I'm around you. I know how you feel. You care about her. You don't want her to get hurt, you don't want her to- " it was his turn to cut me off this time.

" I know she likes me, Brin, " he looked at me.

" What? How? " I asked. How did he know this?

" I know. I see how she feels when you talk to me and how she turns to Corey with that disappointment when I look at her back when we goof around, " he explained.

" What? But the glances you give her. The things you do for her. What does that mean? " I asked, still in my confusional state.

" It means I care, Brin. I care about all of us, " he explained.

" So you don't care if she gets heartbroken? " Corey asked from behind.

" Of course I care if anything happens to her. She's my friend, " he stood up and faced Corey, " and what do you mean heartbroken? " he turned towards me.

" She likes you, very much. You were the first boy she really liked and you were her first kiss. She's going to be torn apart when she finds out that you don't like her back, " I stood up and explained to him.

" And you guys are going to force me to fall in love with her? I just don't like her like that. I already have feelings for somebody else! " he threw his hands up.

" We are not asking you to fall in love with her. But there will be a day when she breaks the deeper core of the ice. And you have to find someway to explain to her, " Corey then walked away.

Peyton turned towards me. I know he expects me to go away with Corey, but I won't.

" Now what? " he asks me.

" Let's just go," I looked down and walked away. I could feel his footsteps following.

Once we reached the streets, I began the conversation.

" Peyton, everybody sees the affection you have for her. I know the glances you give her means that you don't want her to think the wrong way, so that you might have a chance with her. I can see that you love her," I stopped and looked at him.

" I-I do. But I just don't know if I like her or are my feelings just messing with me, " he was confused.

" Peyton, no matter how you feel, your affection for Rowan is still there. You still like her, " I continued walking.

" Brin, please don't step back, " he stopped me.

" What? " I asked. What was he talking about?

" Nothing, " he looked down, " I do like Rowan. But I just don't know if it's just the feeling of being around her smiles and laughter or that I love her, " that just broke my heart into pieces.

I rubbed his shoulder, " Honestly, I am so sorry, " I looked down.

" For what? " he asked.

" For pushing you to like Rowan. I don't even know what I'm doing. I- I'm sorry, " I was still looking down.

" Brin, what's wrong?" he knows. He brought me to sit down on a bench.

" I was actually forced to be with Brad by Rowan. We didn't exactly like each other but I just wanted to see that smile on her face.. Since we didn't like each other, it wasn't meant to be. He was with another girl, and I saw them together, without him knowing. I thought that this would be revenge since Rowan forced me into being with a crappy guy. I know, that that was stupid of me to think that way. But I trust you, to make Rowan happier than ever, " I looked into his eyes.

" I know. I care about all of us. I care about you, " he looked into my eyes then at my lips.

As he started leaning in, I did too. We kept on looking at each other's eyes and lips. What was happening? Just as our lips were about to brush against each other, I pulled back with a cough. How could I do this to Rowan?

" I-I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was thinking um, " I stood up.

" Yeah me too. Um, this where we go our separate ways? " he scratched the back of his neck.

" Um, yeah. Uh, see you tomorrow, " I waved goodbye.

He stood up and waved goodbye as well, " See ya, "

As I turned my back, I walked as fast as I could. What did I just do? How could I ever do this to Rowan? Wait. He has feelings for another girl. He told me not to step back. What does he mean?

- Peyton's POV -

As I turned my back, I started walking fast. I almost kissed Sabrina. What did I just do? However, I did not feel any regret in me. But I like Rowan? Or do I?

But I have feelings for another girl. And it was her. Who again? Of course, Sabrina Carpenter.





anyways, on to RowBoat's birthday!



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