Starting Fresh

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"Why do i even have to go to school?" Asked Ciel, looking at his aunt. "I believe that you should get an education and I promised myself that after the accident-" "It wasn't an accident, people killed my parents and kidnapped me and..." Ciel's voice trailed off. He hadn't told anyone what happened to him at that wretched place. "Ciel, are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" Asked aunt Red. Ciel just looked out the window and tried to forget. Try and forget those awful memories. His aunt stopped in front of the school. It was pretty average. A building that held 9 to 12 graders. Ciel was in 11 grade, but he was small. He may have been 16, but he was 5'6. He didn't mind his size. Ciel got out of the car. "Do you remember how to get home from here? I have to work until 11:00 tonight. There is a note on the table for dinner." Said aunt Red. "Okay, bye." And Ciel shut the car door. "Make some friends." He could hear his aunt say from the car. Ciel ignored it. Like I'm ever gonna fit in here, thought Ciel as he walked into the building. As soon as he walked in he could hear so many conversations going on he thought his head would explode. He just sighed and headed for the office. Where was the office? He didn't want to ask any of the kids out there. Most of them were probably snobby kids who didn't give a damn about new kids. Ciel kept walking, lost in his thoughts. He didn't notice the one kid following him. He came up behind Ciel. "I haven't seen you around here." Ciel turned around, startled. Ciel saw a high schooler that was much taller than him, about 6'3. Unlike Ciel's deep, blue eyes, this boy had almost black eyes, with a hint of red to them. Almost like a demon. Ciel's hair had a nice, deep sea blue. This boy had black hair and his bangs looked razor sharp. "Um... yeah, I'm new here. Ciel Phantomhive." Said Ciel, holding out his hand. "Nice name. Mine name's Sebastian." He said taking Ciel's hand and shaking it. "Do you know where the office is?" Ciel asked. "Yeah, I'll take you there." Sebastian said, waking forward. "So, are you starting 9 grade here? Asked Sebastian. "No, I'm in 11 grade." Ciel said, knowing his height made him look younger. "I never would have guessed that. You're kinda small." Sebastian said, chuckling a little. Ciel didn't really mind it. Sebastian showed Ciel where the office was. "See you later Ciel." Sebastian said, walking off. Ciel didn't really want to be alone, but he didn't really have a choice. He went into the office, wondering how he would ever fit in. He walked up to the lady typing at the desk. "Um, I was wondering where I could get my class schedule?" Ciel asked. All the lady did was look and Ciel and point to a chair. Ciel just shrugged and sat in the chair. A few minutes later, the principal came into the office. "Ah, you must be Ciel Phantomhive. I am Principle Williams." He said, holding out his hand. Ciel took it and said "Nice to meet you sir." "Since you are not very familiar with the school, I will call down a student to show you around." Williams said, walking to his desk. He picked up his phone and called a classroom. He said he wanted a 12 grader who knew the school well. He hung up the phone and told Ciel to sit in the chair and wait. "A student will be here momentarily." Williams said walking into his office. Ciel sat down, not really wanting to meet anyone knew. Ciel was so lost in thought, he didn't notice the boy walk him and go into the principal's office. Ciel looked up to see a hand out stretched to him. "Hello" said the boy.

Thoughts and Words  (Sebaciel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora