A Date And A Kiss

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"Thanks for ruining the moment, Claude." Sebastian said, turning to look at his brother. Claude shrugged. "I'm hungry."  "Then go cook." Sebastian's said. "Okay, but if the house burns down, it's your fault." Claude disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Sebastian and Ciel alone again. "You probably should eat though, Ciel. You basically slept the whole day." You're gonna let him see how much you eat? Are you kidding me? The voices came up again in Ciel's head. "No, that's okay. I'm not really hungry." Ciel hated the voices, but maybe they were right. Sebastian looked surprised. "Are you sure?" "Yeah. Besides, I want to hang out with you." Sebastian smiled at him. Suddenly, they both heard a loud crash and Claude yell. They both ran into the kitchen to see Claude on the floor with pots and pans on him and near him. Sebastian and Ciel couldn't help, but laugh at the sight. "Shut up!" Sebastian was still chuckling, but he walked over and helped Claude up. "What happened?" Sebastian asked. "Did the pots and pans out smart you?" Ciel asked. Claude shot him a dirty look and said, "No. I just wanted to grab a pan and the whole cupboard of them fell out." He started to pick up and put things back in place. "So Ciel, are you coming back to school tomorrow?" Claude asked. Ciel went to stand next to Sebastian, trying to feel more safe. "Yeah, it was just a cold. I'm fine." "Glad to hear it." Claude sent Ciel a smile and finished up cleaning. "Hey, can we go outside? I need some air." Ciel asked. Sebastian nodded and they walked out to the porch. Ciel sat on the steps, trying to ease up about Claude. He can't touch you around Sebastian or anyone else. He can't hurt you. Right? "Ciel, you okay?" "Yeah, just thinking." Sebastian sat down next to Ciel. He put his head on Sebastian's shoulder and took a few deep breaths. "So, I was thinking." Sebastian said. "About?" "Well, we haven't had our first date yet. And we're kinda boyfriends." Ciel smiled to himself. "Yeah and?" Sebastian looked down at Ciel and said, "Would you do me the honor of going out to dinner with me this Saturday? Say around seven?" Ciel looked up and Sebastian and said, "I would love to." He smiled at Ciel and held his hand. They sat there together for a couple hours. Sometimes they talked, other times they snuck kisses to each other. It was peaceful and just what Ciel needed. At around six, Sebastian said, "I should probably get you home. We have school in the morning." Ciel sighed sadly and said, "Why can't we just skip school?" "Because we need to be educated for our future, that's why." Sebastian said. He stood up, grabbing Ciel's hand and pulling him up with him. "Okay, mom." Ciel said. "I'm not being a mom." Sebastian said back. "I don't think moms do this anyways." Sebastian leaned down and kissed Ciel. "Well, moms do kiss their sons." "Not the way we do." "That would just be awkward." Sebastian chuckled and said, "Yes, it would. Did I mention that you are adorable?" Ciel felt his face get heated at the comment. "You really are." Sebastian said. They went into the house to grab Sebastian's keys. "I think they're in my room. I'll be right down." Ciel saw Sebastian run from the entry way to the living room. He immediately got worried about Claude. He kept his back to the door so that Claude couldn't get him from behind. But as he saw Claude round the corner, he knew it was a stupid plan. "You and my brother get really annoying, you know that? The stupid heart eyes you two make. The hand holding. Really? How cliche can you two get?" Claude was standing very close to Ciel and he didn't have anywhere to run to. Then Ciel did something stupid. "At least I can get a boyfriend." Claude got up to Ciel so he was stuck between him and the wall. Oh crap. "Just because you two are together doesn't mean I can't have what I want." With that, he kissed Ciel on the lips, and said, "There will be more where that came from." He heard Sebastian coming downstairs and walked into the kitchen. Sebastian walked into the hallway. Ciel was shaking. "Ready to go?" Ciel nodded and walked out the door as fast as he could.

A/n Freaking frakkin mother of freak, Claude! God, I can't even right now! Claude, don't you have a date in hell? Ugh, anyways 💗 you all!

Thoughts and Words  (Sebaciel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora