Warnings and Protecting

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Ciel buttoned up his shirt, but you could still see the hickey a mile away. Ciel smiled to himself and walked out of the bathroom. Some kids were looking at him, but they didn't say anything. Ciel finished up his last two classes and walked towards the bleachers. There was a big football field, two sets of bleachers on either side for each team that plays. Ciel was guessing he was supposed to go to the one closest to the school. As he was walking, he saw Alois underneath the bleachers. "Hey." Alois said, looking at Ciel. "What did you want?" Ciel said, wanting to get the conversation over with. "Listen Ciel, I started to put down things together and first off I want to say I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry." Alois said. Ciel glared at him for a moment before he realized the look on Alois's face was actually upset. "What did you put together, that I didn't kiss your boyfriend and I don't like him whatsoever?" Ciel said. He continued to glare at Alois. "Yeah. Claude even told me he doesn't like me anymore. But that's what I wanted to tell you. Claude is dangerous Ciel." Alois said. He looked at Ciel, and he looked extremely scared. "What?" Ciel said. "Listen, I know that he kissed you, but I'm telling you right now, he can be much worse than that. He has done things to kids in this town because they lied to him. Or because they didn't want to help him." Alois said. He had no hint of joking in his voice. He sounded serious and scared. "Why are you telling me this anyways?" Ciel asked. "Because I don't want you hurt anymore than you have been already. It's my fault. Listen, I want to start over. I understand if you don't accept my forgiveness, but I'm at least asking that you be careful." Alois placed a hand on Ciel's shoulder. Ciel sighed, knowing he had to do the right thing. This guy was only trying to help Ciel. And if it wasn't for Claude, Alois probably would have been better friends with Ciel in the first place. "I do forgive you Alois. I would like to start over as well. And I'll look out for Claude, ok?" Ciel said. Alois brightened up and smiled. "Thank you so much Ciel!" He said. Ciel nodded and Alois started to walk off to the buses. Ciel started for home. He opened his phone and called Sebastian. "Hey." Sebastian said. He said it casually as if nothing had happened earlier. "Hey? That's all you have to say? What's wrong? You don't just walk up to someone, have a make out session and then leave them without an explanation." Ciel said. He could hear Sebastian sigh. "Listen, some kids were making fun of you. I just needed to make sure you were okay and it was a spur of the moment thing. I have to go, I'll call you later okay?" Sebastian said, hoping Ciel bought his lie. "Okay." Ciel said. He hung up and continued walking home. Sebastian sighed and out his phone down. He felt bad about lying to Ciel, but he didn't want him to know that Claude was now trying to get involved.

Sebastian was walking down the hallway, happy to know that he could get to see Ciel. He turned the corner, only to run into his brother. They both fell to the ground. "What the he- oh, hey." Claude said. Sebastian didn't say anything and stood up. "Come on!" Claude said. He grabbed Sebastian and turned him to face him. "Let go." Sebastian said. "What's wrong with you?" Claude asked. "I think you're dangerous to Ciel. I know some of the things you did in this town and those kids never showed up again. They either commited suicide or disappeared." Sebastian said. "It's not like it's my fault." Claude said. "You know perfectly well what happened to those kids!" Sebastian yelled. Claude was getting annoyed. "Shut your mouth." Claude growled. "Stay away from Ciel!" "What, scared he's going to be mine?! Because I would win that battle!" Claude yelled. There was no one in the hallway by now. Once the brothers ran into each other, everyone scattered. "Let me tell you something Sebastian. You haven't even done anything to the kid yet. You've kissed him once. So shut your mouth, be a good brother and walk away before this all gets ugly." Claude turned around and walked away. Sebastian was beyond annoyed by now. I have to find Ciel. Sebastian headed off towards the cafeteria. He saw Ciel grabbed his hand and took him outside.
End Of Flashback*
He's mine Claude. I'll protect him from you if I have to.

A/n 😱ooooooooooooooooo. Things are heating up between Claude and Sebastian! ❤️ you all!

Thoughts and Words  (Sebaciel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora