Please Ciel

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Sebastian got home and walked in as quietly as possible seeing as it was 11:30 at night. He walked upstairs and saw that his mom's light was out. So was Claude's. He walked to his room and tried to sleep, but had too many things on his mind. Why was Ciel acting so weird? Was Claude doing something and I'm just blind? Why won't they both just talk to me?  Sebastian sighed and tried his best to get some sleep. It took an hour, but he eventually fell asleep with his boyfriend on his mind.

                                     Ciel's House
Ciel woke up to a door shutting. He opened his eyes and groaned. His neck and back were hurting and he realized it was because he had fell asleep on the bathroom floor. Then all the memories came flooding back. He sighed and stood up. He stood up a little too fast and had to lean on the wall for support. He shook his head and went downstairs. He could hear his aunt mumbling as he came down the stairs. When he saw her, she was doing the dishes. Uh oh. Red only did the dishes by herself when she was upset. They had an automatic dishwasher but when Red was upset she took it out on the dishes. "Red?" Ciel asked. She turned around and said, "Shouldn't you be asleep?" Ciel looked down. Red sighed. "I'm sorry Ciel. It was a rough night. I just..." She turned back to the dishes. Ciel walked over to her and leaned his back on the counter. "What happened?" Red stopped washing and looked at Ciel. She had tears in her eyes. "There was um a boy today and he uh tried to kill himself. He was nineteen and I um tried my best. So did the doctors but he uh didn't make it. Loss of blood and all I could think of was you and I.. I just..." She let the tears fall and grabbed onto the counter for support. Ciel couldn't look at her. It was too much. He had just considered killing himself while his Aunt was just in a hospital trying to save a boy from himself. You really are a screw up Ciel Phantomhive. "Ciel, please just hang onto Sebastian. I haven't seen you smile in so long like that since the fire and I love your smile. I know I can't give you a lot because of my job and the fact that I'm not your real mother. I just want you to be happy. I don't want those scars around. I don't want what happened tonight to be you. Please Ciel." By now, Red had her hands on Ciel's shoulders to get him to look at her. All Ciel could think was but Sebastian doesn't want me. Ciel mustered a smile and said, "Anything for you Red."  Ciel felt a little guilty because one hand was behind his back and his fingers were crossed. She smiled through her tears and said, "That's my boy. I love you Ciel." "I love you too Red." He grabbed her in a hug, but of course she was taller than him, especially with her heels on. She laughed a little and pushed back. "Okay, I'm gonna finish up these dishes. Why don't you go get some sleep?" "Okay, night Red." Ciel said. He walked out of the kitchen and headed upstairs. What the hell am I going to do about Sebastian? I love him but he doesn't feel the same way. Ciel held back the tears. He went into his room and flopped onto the bed. He could only think about Sebastian. I'm gonna have to face him at school if not tomorrow. Great. Ciel decided to watch something before he fell asleep. He went to Netflix and turned on Orange Is The New Black. He fell asleep with the computer on.

A/n Ciel talk to him god damnit!!!! *throws tv out of the window*. I'm running out of things to throw. Anyways, 💚 you all!

Thoughts and Words  (Sebaciel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora