Memories and Messages

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"Mom! Dad! Where are you?!" Ciel was screaming. He was running through a burning house, looking for his parents. "Someone, please help!" He yelled as he ran. The house started to collapse around him. He ran into the library and saw his parents. Dead. He looked in horror as he looked at them. Then the roof collapsed onto them. Ciel fell to the ground and started to sob. "Please! Help..." His voice getting weaker each time he yelled. "Ciel, wake up. Ciel!" He heard a voice. It was so familiar...
Sebastian woke up to Ciel crying in his sleep. He was saying help over and over again. "Ciel wake up." He said, shaking him a little. That's when he noticed how bad Ciel was shaking. "Ciel!" He yelled a little louder. Ciel's eyes opened and he sat up immediately. He looked at Sebastian and saw a concerned look on his face. "Hey, are you okay?" Sebastian asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Ciel said. "Why were you crying?" Sebastian asked. Ciel rubbed his eyes and realized that he had actually been crying. "Um..." Ciel couldn't think straight. I can't tell him. I can't tell anyone. They wouldn't believe me or I would have to tell them what those people did to me. "Ciel, hey." Sebastian said, snapping Ciel out of his thoughts. "It was just a nightmare, I guess. I don't really remember it." Ciel said, looking down. Please believe that, please believe that, Ciel thought. "I think you do remember, but you don't have to tell me about it." Sebastian said. Ciel looked up at him, shocked. Sebastian gave him a sad smile, then looked at his phone. "We better get you home, it's eleven thirty." Sebastian said. "Is it really!?" Ciel said getting up fast. "Yeah, why what's wrong?" He asked. "My aunt said she would be back by eleven. Crap, she is going to be mad." Ciel said. "I'll drive you, if you want." Sebastian said. "Thanks Sebastian." Ciel said. They both went outside and got in Sebastian's car. It was a silent drive, because all Ciel could think about was how mad she was going to be. When they pulled up to Ciel's aunt's house Sebastian asked,"Do you want me to come in with you?" "No, that's okay. You don't need a lecture too. But thanks for everything Sebastian." Ciel said, as he got out of the car." Here, it's my number, in case you need anything.I'll see you at school." Sebastian said. "Okay, thank you.Bye." Ciel said, taking the number  and walking up to the house. Sebastian pulled out of the drive way and was gone. Ciel braced himself for the yelling he was about to get. He opened the door quietly and shut it without a sound. Ciel walked into the living room and stopped. Aunt Red was sleeping on the couch, probably waiting for Ciel to get home. He snuck past her and got up the stairs to his room without a sound. As he shut his door, he sighed with relief and payed on his bed. He tried to fall asleep, but it didn't work well. I don't get it. I slept fine at Sebastian's house, even with Claude there and I can't sleep fine in my own room? Ciel thought. Finally, Ciel pulled out his phone and texted Sebastian. Hey, I can't sleep, and I don't know why. You're probably not awake though. Ciel sent the message and didn't expect the next thing that happened. He got a massage almost instantly back. Like Sebastian was waiting for him to text him. Same, how about we text each other until we fall asleep? Sebastian said. Okay. So the night followed Ciel and Sebastian, talking about school and stuff like that. You never did tell me. What happened to you in the library? Sebastian asked. Ciel remembered what happened in the library and didn't reply. After a few minutes, Sebastian texted this. I know you're awake Ciel Phantomhive, but it's okay if you don't tell me now or ever. I'll wait... Sebastian almost texted for you, but decided not to. He sent the message and then went to bed. Ciel looked at the message and thought it was sweet. Stop thinking like that! He has a girlfriend! Ciel thought, but he went to sleep anyways thinking about Sebastian and how he always sees right through Ciel. How does he do it? Ciel thought, as he fell asleep.

Thoughts and Words  (Sebaciel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora