Brotherly Help

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Sebastian was in class, but he couldn't pay attention at all. Why did I kiss him? Why did I like it? Why are his stupid eyes so cute? Why is he so cute? "Sebastian!" The teacher yelled. Sebastian snapped out of his thoughts. "Yes?" "I asked you why Romeo made the decision he did in the novel?" Sebastian didn't even realize that the class was talking about the book. "Um, I think he made the decision because he couldn't live without his love. He didn't think that a life without Juliet was right." Sebastian said. "Just making sure you were paying attention." He then went on with his lecture. Five minutes later the bell rang. Sebastian walked down the hallway. He didn't bother to stop by Ciel's locker. He went down to lunch. But he wasn't in the mood to eat, so he went outside. Sebastian sat against a tree and thought throughout lunch. "What's wrong with you?" Claude said. Sebastian looked up at his brother. "Nothing." Sebastian said. Claude sighed and sat next to his brother. "Dude, I'm your brother, I know something is wrong here. Now what's up?" Claude said. He may not always get along with his brother but he did love him. "I did something I shouldn't have and now I think I should have done it. I know that sounds weird, but I just, ughhhhh!" Sebastian put his head between his knees. "Okay, what did you do?" Claude asked. "I, I kissed someone." Sebastian said. Claude didn't say anything for a second, then yelled, "Don't you have a girlfriend!?" Claude yelled. Sebastian nodded. "Well, that fucking great." Claude said. "What no brother advice about how this is supposed to get better or this isn't as bad as you think it is?" Sebastian said. Claude shrugged his shoulders. Sebastian rolled his eyes and put his face in his hands. "Hey. Come on. Alright, so I think whoever you kissed, you must feel something for them. So, you have to kiss them again." Claude said. "What do you mean kiss them again?!" Sebastian yelled. "Calm down, let me explain. You need to kiss them again to know if you felt something. If you kiss them again and you don't feel anything, it was just a moment that shouldn't have happened." Claude explained. "What if I do feel something for them though?" Sebastian asked. "Then you need to figure out who you like more. Mey-rin or that person. By the ways, who did you kiss?" Claude asked. "I don't think I can say right now. But thanks for the advice. If I feel something for them, then I'll tell you who it is, alright?" Sebastian said. "Yeah. See you in class okay?" Claude said. "Okay." Claude got up and walked back towards the school. As he walked, he dropped a piece of paper. Sebastian saw and went to pick it up. He expected it to be homework or study notes, but what it was shocked him. It was a drawing of him. He turned it around and figured out who had drawn it.

                         At The Park
Ciel was looking through his notebook, hoping that the drawing was in the notebook. But he had no such luck. Great now Alois has my stupid drawing. And Sebastian kissed me. Ciel didn't think that Sebastian liked it. All he thought he saw was disgust. Then why did he say he liked the kiss? Ciel was really confused. He didn't know what to do. So he started to walk home. He walked past some old houses. People were giving him weird looks, but he didn't care. Eventually, Ciel made it to his house. He unlocked the door and walked in. He walked into the living room, and what he saw shocked him.

A/n What did he see? Sorry this is a kinda boring chapter. And I think I might change the title of this book. I was thinking "Thoughts and Words" because Ciel talks out loud. But I'm also taking suggestions for a title. Please leave a comment for a title and I might use it. ❤️ you all.

Thoughts and Words  (Sebaciel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora