Panic Sets In

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Ciel walked in to see a fire. Everything was on fire. It was burning around him. He fell back into the wall. He sat down and held his knees to his chest. He put his head down. "Not real not real not real." Ciel mumbled. When he looked up, the flames were gone. Ciel was breathing hard. He felt like his chest might explode. Ciel sighed. He didn't bother to get up. He looked around and started to cry. "Everything's gone." Ciel said. "I need help." Ciel said to himself. He got his phone out shakily. He opened his contacts and slowly realized that he only had two contacts since he moved here. Aunt Red and Sebastian. "She's at work." Ciel said. He was still crying when he hit call. "Please pick up." Ciel said.
                      Back At School
Sebastian tapped his pencil to the beat of his music. It was a free period, so he went to the library to calm down and not think about reality. The reality that your going to have to kiss Ciel again. Sebastian put the thought out of his head. That is, until he heard his phone stop his music and start to ring. He picked it up and answered. "Hello?" Sebastian asked. "Sebastian, I... I need help, I-I'm h-home and d-don't-" Sebastian knew the voice immediately. "Ciel what's wrong! Why are you crying?" Sebastian said. The librarian gave him a look and he left the library with Ciel still on the phone. "Sebastian, my- my head h-hurts a-a-and I don't know w-what to do." Ciel sobbed into the phone. "Ciel calm down. I'll be right there." Sebastian said. He ended the call and ran to his locker. He grabbed his keys and texted Claude. Tell the teacher our mom picked me up early. There's an emergency. Tell you about it later. He shut off his phone and walked to his car. Okay more like he ran to his car and sped out of the parking lot. He realized what was happening to Ciel. He was having a panic attack. Sebastian knew that people think they can't breath during an attack. No one should be alone during one.Sebastian had so many thoughts going through his head. He made it to Ciel's house. He got out of the car and ran up to the door. He didn't bother to knock. Sebastian opened the door. As soon as he did, he saw Ciel on the ground. He was shaking violently and crying. Sebastian leaned down and sat next to him. Ciel looked up at Sebastian. "I- i c-can't breath." Ciel said. It was almost a whisper to Sebastian, because Ciel was still crying and shaking. "Shhhh, it okay Ciel. You are fine. I promise. Shhhh." Sebastian was trying to be as calm as he could. He brought Ciel into his lap and rocked him. It was just his instinct. "You're okay. I've got you. It okay." Ciel was starting to calm down a little. "I'm scared. I'm alone." Ciel whispered. He wasn't crying but he was still shaking. "Shhhh it okay." Sebastian continued to rock his friend. Eventually, Sebastian heard slow breathing. He looked down at Ciel and saw he was sleeping. Sebastian smiled down at his friend. He's okay. Sebastian picked up his friend and took him upstairs. He found Ciel's room and set him on the bed. At least tried to. He had to unhook Ciel's arms from around his neck, which had a pretty tight grip on him. Sebastian stepped back and looked at his peaceful Ciel. He's okay. He'll be fine. Go back to school. Sebastian smiled as he saw Ciel sleep peacefully. Before he left, Sebastian wrote a note to Ciel telling him he would come by after school to check on him. He put the note on his dresser and almost left. Before he did though, he looked back at Ciel. He's so cute. God he's adorable. Sebastian leaned down and gave him a kiss on his head. "Sweet dreams Ciel." My Ciel. Why are you so irresistible?

A/n Awwwwwwwww! 😊I love them so much. Anyways, hope this was a good chapter. I added the song because I thought it was good. The song is called My Demons.💛you all.

Thoughts and Words  (Sebaciel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora